- # Query_time distribution
- # 1us
- # 10us #############################################
- # 100us ################################################################
- # 1ms ##########
- # 10ms
- # 100ms
- # 1s
- # 10s+
- # Query_time distribution
- # 1us 0
- # 10us ############################################# 31
- # 100us ################################################################ 44
- # 1ms ######## 6
- # 5ms # 1
- # 10ms 0
- # 20ms 0
- # 30ms 0
- # 50ms 0
- # 100ms 0
- # 200ms 0
- # 300ms 0
- # 500ms 0
- # 800ms 0
- # 1s 0
- # 10s+ 0
- Table: query_history
- Create Table: CREATE TABLE `query_history` (
- `checksum` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `sample` text NOT NULL,
- `ts_min` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- `ts_max` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- `ts_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Query_time_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Lock_time_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_sent_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_examined_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_affected_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Rows_read_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Merge_passes_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_ops_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_ops_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_ops_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_ops_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_ops_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_bytes_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_bytes_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_bytes_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_bytes_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_bytes_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_wait_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_wait_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_wait_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_wait_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_IO_r_wait_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_rec_lock_wait_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_rec_lock_wait_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_rec_lock_wait_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_rec_lock_wait_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_rec_lock_wait_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_queue_wait_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_queue_wait_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_queue_wait_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_queue_wait_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_queue_wait_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_pages_distinct_min` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_pages_distinct_max` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_pages_distinct_pct_95` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_pages_distinct_stddev` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `InnoDB_pages_distinct_median` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `QC_Hit_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `QC_Hit_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Full_scan_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Full_scan_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Full_join_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Full_join_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Tmp_table_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Tmp_table_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Tmp_table_on_disk_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Tmp_table_on_disk_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Filesort_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Filesort_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Filesort_on_disk_cnt` float DEFAULT NULL,
- `Filesort_on_disk_sum` float DEFAULT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`checksum`,`ts_min`,`ts_max`)
- mysql> show create table query_review\G
- *************************** 1. row ***************************
- Table: query_review
- Create Table: CREATE TABLE `query_review` (
- `checksum` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
- `fingerprint` text NOT NULL,
- `sample` text NOT NULL,
- `first_seen` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- `last_seen` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- `reviewed_by` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
- `reviewed_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- `comments` text,
- PRIMARY KEY (`checksum`)
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