rename - rename files SYNOPSIS
rename [options] expression replacement file... DESCRIPTION
rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first occurrence of expression in their name by replacement. OPTIONS
-v, --verbose
Give visual feedback which files where renamed, if any. -V, --version
Display version information and exit. -s, --symlink
Peform rename on symlink target -h, --help
Display help text and exit. EXAMPLES
Given the files foo1, ..., foo9, foo10, ..., foo278, the commands rename foo foo0 foo?
rename foo foo0 foo?? will turn them into foo001, ..., foo009, foo010, ..., foo278. And rename .htm .html *.htm will fix the extension of your html files. WARNING
The renaming has no safeguards. If the user has permission to rewrite file names, the command will perform the action without any questions. For example,
the result can be quite drastic when the command is run as root in the /lib directory. Always make a backup before running the command, unless you truly
know what you are doing. SEE ALSO
mmv(1), mv(1)
20190328. 20190329. 20190330. 20190331. 20190401. 20190402. 20190403. 20190404. 20190405. 20190406. 20190407. 20190408. 20190409.
rename . .txt *.
这样就 okl
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