动态规划法(八)最大子数组问题(maximum subarray problem)
本文将介绍计算机算法中的经典问题——最大子数组问题(maximum subarray problem)。所谓的最大子数组问题,指的是:给定一个数组A,寻找A的和最大的非空连续子数组。比如,数组 A = [-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3], 最大子数组应为[4, -1, -2, 1, 5],其和为7。
- 暴力求解
- 分治法
- Kadane算法
- 动态规划法
- 完全位于子数组A[low...mid]中,因此\(low\leq i\leq j \leq mid.\)
- 完全位于子数组A[mid+1...high]中,因此\(mid< i\leq j \leq high.\)
- 跨越了中点,因此\(low \leq i \leq mid < j \leq high.\)
任何跨越中点的子数组都是由两个子数组A[i...mid]和A[mid+1...j]组成,其中\(low \leq i \leq mid\)且\(mid<j\leq high\).因此,我们只需要找出形如A[i...mid]和A[mid+1...j]的最大子数组,然后将其合并即可,这可以在线性时间内完成。过程FIND-MAX-CROSSING-SUBARRAY接收数组A和下标low、mid和high作为输入,返回一个下标元组划定跨越中点的最大子数组的边界,并返回最大子数组中值的和。其伪代码如下:
left-sum = -inf
sum = 0
for i = mid downto low
sum = sum + A[i]
if sum > left-sum
left-sum = sum
max-left = i
right-sum = -inf
sum = 0
for j = mid+1 to high
sum = sum + A[j]
if sum > right-sum
right-sum = sum
max-right = i
return (max-left, max-right, left-sum+right+sum)
if high = low
return (low, high, A[low])
mid = floor((low+high)/2)
(left-low, left-high, left-sum) = FIND-MAXMIMUM-SUBARRAY(A, low, mid)
(right-low, right-high, right-sum) = FIND-MAXMIMUM-SUBARRAY(A, mid+1, high)
(cross-low, cross-high, cross-sum) = FIND-MAXMIMUM-SUBARRAY(A, low, mid, high)
if left-sum >= right-sum >= cross-sum
return (left-low, left-high, left-sum)
else right-sum >= left-sum >= cross-sum
return (right-low, right-high, right-sum)
return (cross-low, cross-high, cross-sum)
显然这样的分治算法对于初学者来说,有点难度,但是熟能生巧, 多学多练也就不难了。该分治算法的运行时间为\(O(n*logn).\)
max_so_far = 0
max_ending_here = 0
Loop for each element of the array
(a) max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
(b) if(max_ending_here < 0)
max_ending_here = 0
(c) if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here
return max_so_far
这样就有了一个子结构,对于初始情形,\(MS[1]=A[1].\)遍历i, 就能得到MS这个数组,其最大者即可最大子数组的和。
下面将给出分治算法,Kanade算法和动态规划法来求解最大子数组问题的Python程序, 代码如下:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Jclian'
import math
# find max crossing subarray in linear time
def find_max_crossing_subarray(A, low, mid, high):
max_left, max_right = -1, -1
# left part of the subarray
left_sum = float("-Inf")
sum = 0
for i in range(mid, low - 1, -1):
sum += A[i]
if (sum > left_sum):
left_sum = sum
max_left = i
# right part of the subarray
right_sum = float("-Inf")
sum = 0
for j in range(mid + 1, high + 1):
sum += A[j]
if (sum > right_sum):
right_sum = sum
max_right = j
return max_left, max_right, left_sum + right_sum
# using divide and conquer to solve maximum subarray problem
# time complexity: n*logn
def find_maximum_subarray(A, low, high):
if (high == low):
return low, high, A[low]
mid = math.floor((low + high) / 2)
left_low, left_high, left_sum = find_maximum_subarray(A, low, mid)
right_low, right_high, right_sum = find_maximum_subarray(A, mid + 1, high)
cross_low, cross_high, cross_sum = find_max_crossing_subarray(A, low, mid, high)
if (left_sum >= right_sum and left_sum >= cross_sum):
return left_low, left_high, left_sum
elif (right_sum >= left_sum and right_sum >= cross_sum):
return right_low, right_high, right_sum
return cross_low, cross_high, cross_sum
# Python program to find maximum contiguous subarray
# Kadane’s Algorithm
def maxSubArraySum(a, size):
max_so_far = float("-inf")
max_ending_here = 0
for i in range(size):
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
if (max_so_far < max_ending_here):
max_so_far = max_ending_here
if max_ending_here < 0:
max_ending_here = 0
return max_so_far
# using dynamic programming to slove maximum subarray problem
def DP_maximum_subarray(arr):
t = len(arr)
MS = [0]*t
MS[0] = arr[0]
for i in range(1, t):
MS[i] = max(MS[i-1]+arr[i], arr[i])
return MS
def main():
# example of array A
A = [13,-3,-25,20,-3,-16,-23,18,20,-7,12,-5,-22,15,-4,7]
# A = [-2, 2, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 3]
# A = [0,-2, 3, 5, -1, 2]
# A = [-9, -2, -3, -5, -3]
# A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# A = [-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3]
print('using divide and conquer...')
print("Maximum contiguous sum is",find_maximum_subarray(A, 0, len(A) - 1), '\n')
print('using Kanade Algorithm...')
print("Maximum contiguous sum is", maxSubArraySum(A, len(A)), '\n')
print('using dynamic programming...')
MS = DP_maximum_subarray(A)
print("Maximum contiguous sum is", max(MS), '\n')
using divide and conquer...
Maximum contiguous sum is (7, 10, 43)
using Kanade Algorithm...
Maximum contiguous sum is 43
using dynamic programming...
Maximum contiguous sum is 43
- 算法导论(第三版) 机械工业出版社
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/
- https://algorithms.tutorialhorizon.com/dynamic-programming-maximum-subarray-problem/
注意:本人现已开通两个微信公众号: 用Python做数学(微信号为:python_math)以及轻松学会Python爬虫(微信号为:easy_web_scrape), 欢迎大家关注哦~~
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