

单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是一种常用的软件设计模式,该模式的主要目的是确保某一个类只有一个实例存在。当你希望在整个系统中,某个类只能出现一个实例时,单例模式就能派上用场。

比如,某个服务器程序的配置信息存放在一个文件中,客户端通过一个 AppConfig 的类来读取配置文件的信息。如果在程序运行期间,有很多地方都需要使用配置文件的内容,也就是说,很多地方都需要创建 AppConfig 对象的实例,这就导致系统中存在多个 AppConfig 的实例对象,而这样会严重浪费内存资源,尤其是在配置文件内容很多的情况下。事实上,类似 AppConfig 这样的类,我们希望在程序运行期间只存在一个实例对象。

在 Python 中,我们可以用多种方法来实现单例模式。


其实,Python 的模块就是天然的单例模式,因为模块在第一次导入时,会生成 .pyc 文件,当第二次导入时,就会直接加载 .pyc 文件,而不会再次执行模块代码。因此,我们只需把相关的函数和数据定义在一个模块中,就可以获得一个单例对象了。如果我们真的想要一个单例类,可以考虑这样做:

  1. #
  2. class Singleton(object):
  3. def foo(self):
  4. pass
  5. singleton = Singleton()

将上面的代码保存在文件 中,要使用时,直接在其他文件中导入此文件中的对象,这个对象即是单例模式的对象

  1. from a import singleton


  1. def Singleton(cls):
  2. _instance = {}
  3. def _singleton(*args, **kargs):
  4. if cls not in _instance:
  5. _instance[cls] = cls(*args, **kargs)
  6. return _instance[cls]
  7. return _singleton
  8. @Singleton
  9. class A(object):
  10. a = 1
  11. def __init__(self, x=0):
  12. self.x = x
  13. a1 = A(2)
  14. a2 = A(3)
  15. print(a1)
  16. print(a2)
  1. <__main__.A object at 0x103496668>
  2. <__main__.A object at 0x103496668>


  1. class Singleton(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. pass
  4. @classmethod
  5. def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  6. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  7. Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
  8. return Singleton._instance


  1. class Singleton(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. pass
  4. @classmethod
  5. def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  6. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  7. Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
  8. return Singleton._instance
  9. import threading
  10. def task(arg):
  11. obj = Singleton.instance()
  12. print(obj)
  13. for i in range(10):
  14. t = threading.Thread(target=task,args=[i,])
  15. t.start()
  1. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  2. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  3. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  4. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  5. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  6. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  7. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  8. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  9. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>
  10. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033e84a8>


  1. class Singleton(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. import time
  4. time.sleep(0.5)
  5. pass
  6. @classmethod
  7. def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  8. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  9. Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
  10. return Singleton._instance
  11. import threading
  12. def task(arg):
  13. obj = Singleton.instance()
  14. print(obj)
  15. for i in range(10):
  16. t = threading.Thread(target=task,args=[i,])
  17. t.start()
  1. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033b79e8>
  2. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033b7e10>
  3. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401ef0>
  4. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401c18>
  5. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401048>
  6. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401dd8>
  7. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  8. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401eb8>
  9. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401a58>
  10. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401fd0>



  1. import time
  2. import threading
  3. class Singleton(object):
  4. _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. time.sleep(0.5)
  7. @classmethod
  8. def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  9. with Singleton._instance_lock:
  10. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  11. Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
  12. return Singleton._instance
  13. def task(arg):
  14. obj = Singleton.instance()
  15. print(obj)
  16. for i in range(10):
  17. t = threading.Thread(target=task,args=[i,])
  18. t.start()
  19. time.sleep(5)
  20. obj = Singleton.instance()
  21. print(obj)
  1. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  2. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  3. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  4. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  5. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  6. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  7. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  8. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  9. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  10. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>
  11. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103401b00>


  1. import time
  2. import threading
  3. class Singleton(object):
  4. _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. time.sleep(0.5)
  7. @classmethod
  8. def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  9. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  10. with Singleton._instance_lock:
  11. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  12. Singleton._instance = Singleton(*args, **kwargs)
  13. return Singleton._instance
  14. def task(arg):
  15. obj = Singleton.instance()
  16. print(obj)
  17. for i in range(10):
  18. t = threading.Thread(target=task,args=[i,])
  19. t.start()
  20. time.sleep(5)
  21. obj = Singleton.instance()
  22. print(obj)
  1. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  2. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  3. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  4. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  5. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  6. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  7. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  8. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  9. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  10. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>
  11. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x1033db550>

这种方式实现的单例模式,使用时会有限制,以后实例化必须通过obj = Singleton.instance(),如果用obj=Singleton(),这种方式得到的不是单例。




  1. import threading
  2. import time
  3. class Singleton(object):
  4. _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. time.sleep(0.5)
  7. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  8. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  9. with Singleton._instance_lock:
  10. if not hasattr(Singleton, "_instance"):
  11. Singleton._instance = object.__new__(cls)
  12. return Singleton._instance
  13. obj1 = Singleton()
  14. obj2 = Singleton()
  15. print(obj1,obj2)
  16. def task(arg):
  17. obj = Singleton()
  18. print(obj)
  19. for i in range(10):
  20. t = threading.Thread(target=task,args=[i,])
  21. t.start()
  1. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70> <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  2. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  3. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  4. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  5. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  6. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  7. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  8. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  9. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  10. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>
  11. <__main__.Singleton object at 0x103483b70>

采用这种方式的单例模式,以后实例化对象时,和平时实例化对象的方法一样obj = Singleton()


  1. 类由type创建,创建类时,type的__init__方法自动执行,类()执行type的__call__方法(类的__new__方法,类的__init__方法)
  2. 对象由类创建,创建对象时,类的__init__方法自动执行,对象()执行类的__call__方法
  1. class Foo:
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. print("Foo __init__")
  4. def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  5. print("Foo __call__")
  6. # 执行type的 __call__ 方法
  7. # 调用 Foo类(是type的对象)的 __new__方法,用于创建对象
  8. # 然后调用 Foo类(是type的对象)的 __init__方法,用于对对象初始化。
  9. obj = Foo()
  10. # 执行Foo的 __call__ 方法
  11. obj()
  1. Foo __init__
  2. Foo __call__
  1. class SingletonType(type):
  2. def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
  3. super(SingletonType,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
  4. def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # 这里的cls,即Foo类
  5. print('cls',cls)
  6. obj = cls.__new__(cls,*args, **kwargs)
  7. cls.__init__(obj,*args, **kwargs) # Foo.__init__(obj)
  8. return obj
  9. class Foo(metaclass=SingletonType): # 指定创建Foo的type为SingletonType
  10. def __init__(self, name):
  11. = name
  12. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  13. return object.__new__(cls)
  14. obj = Foo('xx')
  1. cls <class '__main__.Foo'>
  1. import threading
  2. class SingletonType(type):
  3. _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
  4. def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  5. if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
  6. with SingletonType._instance_lock:
  7. if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"):
  8. cls._instance = super(SingletonType,cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
  9. return cls._instance
  10. class Foo(metaclass=SingletonType):
  11. def __init__(self,name):
  12. = name
  13. obj1 = Foo('name')
  14. obj2 = Foo('name')
  15. print(obj1)
  16. print(obj2)
  1. <__main__.Foo object at 0x10348d908>
  2. <__main__.Foo object at 0x10348d908>

参考文章: Python中的单例模式的几种实现方式的及优化

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