
Given an array of integers nums and a positive integer k, find whether it's possible to divide this array into knon-empty subsets whose sums are all equal.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], k = 4
Output: True
Explanation: It's possible to divide it into 4 subsets (5), (1, 4), (2,3), (2,3) with equal sums.








[奇葩corner case]:


dfs的退出条件是:cur_sum == target


不懂“是否”题为啥要用dfs:这一步能不能、下一步能不能,每个元素都要算到,所以用boolean DFS



DFS扩展的依据是:下一步没有访问过 visited = f,就设置visited = t &回溯。中间不要直接return,否则后面没法做。

[输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不合法不合理的输入):



  1. dfs的target直接写成target就行了,就是个参数


  1. dfs的start直接写成start就行了,就是个参数 traverse中要变成i + 1


找到k组之后,继续找k - 1 组,变量变化之后就要控制它的最后值 是否为0或1 了






[复杂度]:Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O()




[Follow Up]:


[代码风格] :

[是否头一次写此类driver funcion的代码] :

[潜台词] :

class Solution {
public boolean canPartitionKSubsets(int[] nums, int k) {
int sum = 0; //ini: get sum
for (int num : nums) sum += num;
int[] visited = new int[nums.length]; //cc: k == 1
if (k == 1) return true;
if (k <= 0 || sum % k != 0) return false; //canPartition
return canPartition(0, nums, visited, 0, k, sum / k);
} public boolean canPartition(int start, int[] nums, int[] visited, int curSum, int k, int target) {
if(k==1) return true; //exit :curSum == target
if (curSum == target) return canPartition(0, nums, visited, 0, k - 1, target); //backtracing
for (int i = start; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (visited[i] == 0) {
visited[i] = 1;
//do not return directly
if(canPartition(i + 1, nums, visited, curSum + nums[i], k, target)) return true;
visited[i] = 0;
} return false;

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