论文:Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement for Compressed Video

Yang, Ren, et al. "Multi-frame quality enhancement for compressed video." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018.
9 citations (2019.4).

MFQE 2.0: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.09707.pdf



The past few years have witnessed great success in applying deep learning to enhance the quality of compressed image/video. The existing approaches mainly focus on enhancing the quality of a single frame, ignoring the similarity between consecutive frames.


In this paper, we investigate that heavy quality fluctuation exists across compressed video frames, and thus low quality frames can be enhanced using the neighboring high quality frames, seen as Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement (MFQE). Accordingly, this paper proposes an MFQE approach for compressed video, as a first attempt in this direction.

这种方法被称为Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement (MFQE)

In our approach, we firstly develop a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based detector to locate Peak Quality Frames (PQFs) in compressed video. Then, a novel Multi-Frame Convolutional Neural Network (MF-CNN) is designed to enhance the quality of compressed video, in which the non-PQF and its nearest two PQFs are as the input.


  1. 用一个SVM,找出多帧中的Peak Quality Frames (PQFs)
  2. 再用一个Multi-Frame Convolutional Neural Network (MF-CNN),输入一个non-PQF及其相邻两个PQF帧,增强该帧的质量。

The MF-CNN compensates motion between the non-PQF and PQFs through the Motion Compensation subnet (MC-subnet). Subsequently, the Quality Enhancement subnet (QE-subnet) reduces compression artifacts of the non-PQF with the help of its nearest PQFs.


  1. Motion Compensation subnet (MC-subnet):运动补偿non-PQF;
  2. Quality Enhancement subnet (QE-subnet):减少non-PQF的compression artifacts。

The code of our MFQE approach is available at https://github.com/ryangBUAA/MFQE.git.


然而,压缩视频不可避免地会引入compression artifacts,用户体验降低。


For example, Dong designed a four-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named AR-CNN, which considerably improves the quality of JPEG images. Later, Yang designed a Decoder-side Scalable CNN (DS-CNN) for video quality enhancement.

However, when processing a single frame, all existing quality enhancement approaches do not take any advantage of information in the neighbouring frames, and thus their performance is largely limited.

As Figure 1 shows, the quality of compressed video dramatically fluctuates across frames. Therefore, it is possible to use the high quality frames (i.e., Peak Quality Frames, called PQFs) to enhance the quality of their neighboring low quality frames (non-PQFs). This can be seen as Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement (MFQE), similar to multi-frame super-resolution.



The QE-subnet, with a spatio-temporal architecture, is designed to extract and merge the features of the current non-PQF and the compensated PQFs.

Finally, the quality of the current non-PQF can be enhanced by QE-subnet that takes advantage of the high quality content in the adjacent PQFs. For example, as shown in Figure 1, the current non-PQF (frame 96) and the nearest PQFs (frames 93 and 97) are fed in to the MF-CNN of our MFQE approach. As a result, the low quality content (basketball) of the non-PQF (frame 96) can be enhanced upon the same content but with high quality in the neighboring PQFs (frames 93 and 97).


Moreover, Figure 1 shows that our MFQE approach also mitigates the quality fluctuation, because of the considerable quality improvement of non-PQFs.



3.1. Quality Enhancement


All above approaches can be seen as single-frame quality enhancement approaches, as they do not use any advantageous information available in the neighboring frames. Consequently, the video quality enhancement performance is severely limited.


3.2. Multi-frame Super-resolution

To our best knowledge, there exists no MFQE work for compressed video.
The closest area is multi-frame video super-resolution.



Brandi and Song proposed to enlarge video resolution by taking advantage of high resolution key-frames.

For example, Huang developed a Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Network (BRCN), which improves the super-resolution performance over traditional single-frame approaches.
In 2016, Kappeler proposed a Video Super-Resolution network (VSRnet), in which the neighboring frames are warped according to the estimated motion, and both the current and warped neighboring frames are fed into a super-resolution CNN to enlarge the resolution of the current frame.

这一点很关键:先根据estimated motion,把相邻帧warp,再和当前帧一起训练CNN。

Later, Li proposed replacing VSRnet by a deeper network with residual learning strategy.


The aforementioned multi-frame super-resolution approaches are motivated by the fact that different observations of the same objects or scenes are probably available across frames of a video. As a result, the neighboring frames may contain the content missed when down-sampling the current frame.


Similarly, for compressed video, the low quality frames can be enhanced by taking advantage of their adjacent higher quality frames, because heavy quality fluctuation exists across compressed frames. Consequently, the quality of compressed video may be effectively improved by leveraging the multi-frame information.

3. 压缩视频的质量波动

First, we establish a database including 70 uncompressed video sequences, selected from the datasets of Xiph.org and JCT-VC.


We compress these sequences using various video coding standards, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264/AVC and HEVC.


The quality of each compressed frame is evaluated in terms of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR).



We further measure the STandard Deviation (STD) of frame-level quality for each compressed video.

As shown in Table 1, the STD values of all five standards are above 1.00 dB, which are averaged over the 70 compressed sequences.
The maximal STD among the 70 sequences reaches 3.97 dB, 4.00 dB, 3.84 dB, 5.67 dB and 3.34 dB for MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264 and HEVC, respectively.
This reflects the remarkable fluctuation of frame-level quality after video compression.


It can be observed from Figure 3 that there exists frequently alternate PQFs and Valley Quality Frames (VQFs).
Here, PQF is defined as the frame whose quality is higher than its previous and subsequent frames.
In contrast, VQF indicates the frame with lower quality than its previous and subsequent frames.


As shown in this figure, the PSNR of non-PQFs (frames 58-60), especially the VQF (frame 60), is obviously lower than that of the nearest PQFs (frames 57 and 61). Moreover, non-PQFs (frames 58-60) also have much lower subjective quality than the nearest PQFs (frames 57 and 61), e.g., in the region of number "87". Additionally, the content of frames 57-61 is very similar.


To further analyze the peaks and valleys of frame-level quality, we measure the Peak-Valley Difference (PVD) and Peak Separation (PS) for the PSNR curves of each compressed video sequence.

As seen in Figure 3-(a), PVD is denoted as the PSNR difference between the PQF and its nearest VQF, and PS indicates the number of frames between two PQFs.


The averaged PVD and PS values of the 70 compressed video sequences are shown in Table 1 for each video coding standard.
It can be seen that the averaged PVD values are higher than 1.00 dB in most cases, and the latest HEVC standard has the highest value of 1.50 dB. This verifies the large quality difference between PQFs and VQFs.


Additionally, the PS values are approximately or less than 5 frames for each coding standard. In particular, the PS values are less than 3 frames for the H.264 and HEVC standards. Such a short distance between two PQFs indicates that the content of frames between the adjacent PQFs may be highly similar.
Therefore, the PQFs probably contain some useful content which is distorted in their neighboring non-PQFs.


Motivated by this, our MFQE approach is proposed to enhance the quality of non-PQFs through the advantageous information of the nearest PQFs.



4.1. Framework

Figure 4 shows the framework of our MFQE approach.

In the MFQE approach, we first detect the PQFs that are used for quality enhancement of other non-PQFs.
In practical application, the raw sequences are not available in video quality enhancement, and thus the PQFs and non-PQFs cannot be distinguished through comparison with the raw sequences.
Therefore, we develop a no-reference PQF detector in our MFQE approach, which is detailed in Section: peakdetec.

我们首先检测PQF。在实际应用中,我们无法得到raw sequences,也就不能通过比较raw sequences和已有sequences,(计算PSNR损失)来找出PQF(批:本文对PQF定义也不是这样的)。

The quality of detected PQFs can be enhanced by DS-CNN, which is a single-frame approach for video quality enhancement.
It is because the adjacent frames of a PQF are with lower quality and cannot benefit the quality enhancement of this PQF.
Here, we modify the DS-CNN via replacing the Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) by Parametric ReLU (PReLU) to avoid zero gradients, and we also apply residual learning to improve the quality enhancement performance.


For non-PQFs, the MF-CNN is proposed to enhance the quality that takes advantage of the nearest PQFs (i.e., both previous and subsequent PQFs).
The MF-CNN architecture is composed of the MC-subnet and the QE-subnet.

The MC-subnet is developed to compensate the temporal motion across the neighboring frames.
To be specific, the MC-subnet firstly predicts the temporal motion between the current non-PQF and its nearest PQFs. Then, the two nearest PQFs are warped with the spatial transformer according to the estimated motion. As such, the temporal motion between the non-PQF and PQFs can be compensated. The MC-subnet is to be introduced in Section: mc.

Finally, the QE-subnet, which has a spatio-temporal architecture, is proposed for quality enhancement, as introduced in Section: cnn.
In the QE-subnet, both the current non-PQF and the compensated PQFs are as the inputs, and then the quality of the current non-PQF can be enhanced under the help of the adjacent compensated PQFs.

Note that, in the proposed MF-CNN, the MC-subnet and QE-subnet are trained jointly in an end-to-end manner.


4.2. SVM-based PQF detector

In our approach, the PQF detector follows the no-reference quality assessment method to extract 36 spatial features from the current frame, each of which is one-dimensional.
Beyond, such kinds of spatial features are also extracted from two previous frames and two incoming frames. Consequently, 180 one-dimensional features are obtained to predict whether a frame is a PQF or non-PQF, based on the SVM classifier.

PQF检测器采用no-reference quality assessment method,在当前帧内提取36个一维的空间特征。

In our SVM classifier, \(l_n \in \{0, 1\}\) denotes the output class label indicating whether the \(n\)-th frame is a PQF (positive sample with \(l_n=1\)) or non-PQF (negative sample with \(l_n=0\)).
We use the LIBSVM library to train the SVM classifier, in which the probability of \(l_n=1\) can be obtained for each frame and denoted as \(p_n\).
In our SVM classifier, the Radial Basis Function (RBF) is used as the kernel.
Finally, \(\{l_n,p_n\}_{n=1}^N\) can be obtained from the SVM classifier, in which \(N\) is the total number of frames in the video sequence.

我们使用LIBSVM library来训练SVM。kernel是RBF。

In our PQF detector, we further refine the results of the SVM classifier according to the prior knowledge of PQF.
Specifically, the following two strategies are developed to refine the labels \(\{l_n\}_{n=1}^N\) of the PQF detector.


(1) According to the definition of PQF, it is impossible that the PQFs consecutively appear.
Hence, if the following case exists
\{l_{n+i}\}_{i=0}^j = 1\ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ l_{n-1}=l_{n+j+1}=0,\ j\geq1,

we set
l_{n+i} = 0, \text{where}\ \ i \not= \mathop{\arg \max}_{0\leq k\leq j}(p_{n+k})

in our PQF detector.


(2) According to the analysis of Section 3, PQFs frequently appear within a limited separation.
For example, the average value of PS is 2.66 frames for HEVC compressed sequences.
Here, we assume that \(D\) is the maximal separation between two PQFs.
Given this assumption, if the results of \(\{l_n\}_{n=1}^N\) yields more than \(D\) consecutive zeros (non-PQFs):
\{l_{n+i}\}_{i=0}^d = 0\ \ \ \text{and}\ \ \ l_{n-1}=l_{n+d+1}=1,\ d > D,

one of frames need to be selected as PQF, and thus we set
l_{n+i} = 1, \text{where}\ \ i = \mathop{\arg\max}_{0 < k < d}(p_{n+k}).

After refining \(\{l_n\}_{n=1}^N\) as discussed above, our PQF detector can locate PQFs and non-PQFs in the compressed video.



4.3. MC-subnet


Caballero proposed the Spatial Transformer Motion Compensation (STMC) method for multi-frame super-resolution.

As shown in Figure 5, the STMC method adopts the convolutional layers to estimate the \(\times4\) and \(\times2\) down-scaling Motion Vector (MV) maps, denoted as \(\mathbf{M}^{\times4}\) and \(\mathbf{M}^{\times2}\).
In \(\mathbf{M}^{\times4}\) and \(\mathbf{M}^{\times2}\), the down-scaling is achieved by adopting some convolutional layers with the stride of 2.

该运动补偿网络采用的是Caballero等的工作:Spatial Transformer Motion Compensation (STMC),最初用于多帧超分辨。

The down-scaling motion estimation is effective to handle large scale motion.
However, because of down-scaling, the accuracy of MV estimation is reduced.
Therefore, in addition to STMC, we further develop some additional convolutional layers for pixel-wise motion estimation in our MC-subnet, which does not contain any down-scaling process.
The convolutional layers of pixel-wise motion estimation are described in Table 2.

原网络采用了降采样,尽管对large scale motion非常有利,但牺牲了预测精度。

As Figure 5 shows, the output of STMC includes the \(\times2\) down-scaling MV map \(\mathbf{M}^{\times2}\) and the corresponding compensated PQF \(F'^{\times2}_{p}\).


They are concatenated with the original PQF and non-PQF, as the input to the convolutional layers of the pixel-wise motion estimation.
Then, the pixel-wise MV map can be generated, which is denoted as \(\mathbf{M}\).


Note that the MV map \(\mathbf{M}\) contains two channels, i.e., horizonal MV map \(\mathbf{M}_x\) and vertical MV map \(\mathbf{M}_y\). Here, \(x\) and \(y\) are the horizonal and vertical index of each pixel. Given \(\mathbf{M}_x\) and \(\mathbf{M}_y\), the PQF is warped to compensate the temporal motion. Let the compressed PQF and non-PQF be \(F_p\) and \(F_{np}\), respectively. The compensated PQF \(F'_p\) can be expressed as
F'_p(x,y) = \mathcal{I}\{F_{p}(x+\mathbf{M}_x(x,y),y+\mathbf{M}_y(x,y))\},

where \(\mathcal{I}\{\cdot\}\) means the bilinear interpolation. The reason for the interpolation is that \(\mathbf{M}_x(x,y)\) and \(\mathbf{M}_y(x,y)\) may be non-integer values.


Training strategy


Since it is hard to obtain the ground truth of MV, the parameters of the convolutional layers for motion estimation cannot be trained directly.


The super-resolution work trains the parameters by minimizing the MSE between the compensated adjacent frame and the current frame.

邻近帧 + 真实MV(不可知) = 当前帧;\\
邻近帧 + subnet输出MV = 预测帧;\\
MSE(当前帧,预测帧)=MSE(真实MV, subnet输出MV)

However, in our MC-subnet, both the input \(F_p\) and \(F_{np}\) are compressed frames with quality distortion.
Hence, when minimizing the MSE between \(F'_p\) and the \(F_{np}\), the MC-subnet learns to estimate the distorted MV, resulting in inaccurate motion estimation.


Therefore, the MC-subnet is trained under the supervision of the raw frames.
That is, we warp the raw frame of the PQF (denoted as \(F^R_p\)) using the MV map output from the convolutional layers of motion estimation, and minimize the MSE between the compensated raw PQF (denoted as \(F'^{R}_{p}\)) and the raw non-PQF (denoted as \(F^R_{np}\)).
The loss function of the MC-subnet can be written by
L_{\text{MC}}(\theta_{mc})=||F'^{R}_p(\theta_{mc}) - F^R_{np}||_2^2,

where \(\theta_{mc}\) represents the trainable parameters of our MC-subnet.

为此,我们把MV用于补偿raw PQF而不是原PQF,得到\(F'^{R}_{p}\);和raw non-PQF:\(F^R_{np}\)一起训练。

Note that the raw frames \(F^R_p\) and \(F^{R}_{np}\) are not required when compensating motion in the test.


4.4. QE-subnet

Given the compensated PQFs, the quality of non-PQFs can be enhanced through the QE-subnet, which is designed with spatio-temporal architecture.


Specifically, together with the current processed non-PQF \(F_{np}\), the compensated previous and subsequent PQFs (denoted by \(F'_{p1}\) and \(F'_{p2}\)) are input to the QE-subnet. This way, both the spatial and temporal features of these three frames are explored and merged.


  1. 当前non-PQF帧:\(F_{np}\)
  2. 前一个PQF向后的补偿帧:\(F'_{p1}\)
  3. 后一个PQF向前的补偿帧:\(F'_{p2}\)

Consequently, the advantageous information in the adjacent PQFs can be used to enhance the quality of the non-PQF. It differs from the CNN-based image/single-frame quality enhancement approaches, which only handle the spatial information within one frame.


The architecture of the QE-subnet is shown in Figure 6, and the details of the convolutional layers are presented in Table 3.

In the QE-subnet, the convolutional layers Conv 1, 2 and 3 are applied to extract the spatial features of input frames \(F'_{p1}\), \(F_{np}\) and \(F'_{p2}\), respectively.
Then, in order to use the high quality information of \(F'_{p1}\), Conv 4 is adopted to merge the features of \(F_{np}\) and \(F'_{p1}\).
That is, the outputs of Conv 1 and 2 are concatenated and then convolved by Conv 4.
Similarly, Conv 5 is used to merge the features of \(F_{np}\) and \(F'_{p2}\).
Conv 6/7 is designed to extract more complex features from Conv 4/5.
Consequently, the extracted features of Conv 6 and Conv 7 are non-linearly mapped to another space through Conv 8.
Finally, the reconstructed residual, denoted as \(R_{np}(\theta_{qe})\), is achieved in Conv 9, and the non-PQF is enhanced by adding \(R_{np}(\theta_{qe})\) to the input non-PQF \(F_{np}\). Here, \(\theta_{qe}\) is defined as the trainable parameters of QE-subnet.

Training strategy

The MC-subnet and QE-subnet of our MF-CNN are trained jointly in an end-to-end manner.
Assume that \(F'^R_{p1}\) and \(F'^R_{p2}\) are defined as the raw frames of the previous and incoming PQFs, respectively.

The loss function of our MF-CNN can be formulated as
L_{\text{MF}}(\theta_{mc},\theta_{qe}) = a\cdot\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^2||F'^R_{pi}(\theta_{mc})-F^R_{np}||_2^2}_{L_{\text{MC}}:\ \text{loss of MC-subnet}} \nonumber \\
+ b\cdot\underbrace{\big|\big|\big(F_{np}+R_{np}(\theta_{qe})\big)-F^{R}_{np}\big|\big|_2^2}_{L_{\text{QE}}:\ \text{loss of QE-subnet}}.

The loss function of the MF-CNN is the weighted sum of \(L_{\text{MC}}\) and \(L_{\text{QE}}\), which are the loss functions of MC-subnet and QE-subnet, respectively.

QE-subnet的loss不难理解:当前帧(有损)加上训练输出的residual,与raw non-PQF的误差。

Because \(F'_{p1}\) and \(F'_{p2}\) generated by the MC-subnet are the basis of the following QE-subnet, we set \(a \gg b\) at the beginning of training.


After the convergence of \(L_{\text{MC}}\) is observed, we set \(a\ll b\) to minimize the MSE between \(F_{np}+R_{np}\) and \(F^R_{np}\).



5.1. Settings


视频压缩遵循最新的HEVC标准,Quantization Parameter (QP)设为37和42。

When training the MF-CNN, the raw and compressed sequences are segmented into \(64\times64\) patches as the training samples.

The batch size is set to 64. We adopt the Adam algorithm with initial learning rate as \(10^{-4}\) to minimize the loss function of lossmf.

In the training stage, we initially set \(a = 1\) and \(b = 0.01\) of lossmf to train the MC-subnet.
After the MC-subnet converges, these hyperparameters are set as \(a = 0.01\) and \(b = 1\) to train the QE-subnet.

5.2. Performance of the PQF Detector


5.3. Performance of our MFQE approach

Our performance is compared with AR-CNN, DnCNN, Li, DCAD and DS-CNN.

Note that AR-CNN, DnCNN and Li are re-trained on HEVC compressed samples for fair comparison.

Among them, AR-CNN, DnCNN and Li are the latest quality enhancement approaches for compressed image.
DCAD and DS-CNN are the state-of-the-art video quality enhancement approaches.


Quality enhancement on non-PQFs

Overall quality enhancement

Quality fluctuation



Subjective quality performance

Effectiveness of utilizing PQFs


Transfer to H.264 standard


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