#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
 using namespace std;
 string name;
 string dessert;
 cout<<"Enter your name:\n";
 cout<<"Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
 cout<<"I have some delicious "<<dessert;
 cout<<" for you, "<<name<<".\n";
 return 0;


Enter your name:

Han Meimei<Enter>


Enter your favorite dessert:

Radish Torte<Enter>


I have some delicious Radish Torte for you, Han Meimei.



找到 else if(_Tr::eq((_E)_C,_D))


//_I.rdbuf()->snextc();/* 注释掉这句,修改为下一句*/





Enter your name:

Han Meimei<Enter>

Enter your favorite dessert:

Radish Torte<Enter>

I have some delicious Radish Torte for you, Han Meimei.

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