
  1. import { compose } from "recompose";
  2. function Message(props) {
  3. const { classes } = props;
  4. return (
  5. ...
  6. );
  7. }
  8. const styles = theme => ({
  9. close: {
  10. padding: theme.spacing.unit / 2,
  11. },
  12. });
  13. // @withStyles(styles) @observer class Message ...
  14. export default compose(
  15. withStyles(styles),
  16. observer,
  17. )(Message);

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  2. [React] Recompose: Override Styles & Elements Types in React

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  3. [Recompose] Create Stream Behaviors to Push Props in React Components with mapPropsStream

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  4. [Recompose] Stream Props to React Children with RxJS

    You can decouple the parent stream Component from the mapped React Component by using props.children ...

  5. [Recompose] Stream a React Component from an Ajax Request with RxJS

    Loading data using RxJS is simple using Observable.ajax. This lesson shows you how to take the ajax ...

  6. [Recompose] Configure Recompose to Build React Components from RxJS Streams

    Recompose provides helper functions to stream props using an Observable library of your choice into ...

  7. [Recompose] Make Reusable React Props Streams with Lenses

    If you hard-code a stream of props to target a specific prop, it becomes impossible to reuse that st ...

  8. [Recompose] Compose Streams of React Props with Recompose’s compose and RxJS

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  9. [Recompose] Handle React Events as Streams with RxJS and Recompose

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