[LeetCode&Python] Problem 925. Long Pressed Name
Your friend is typing his name
into a keyboard. Sometimes, when typing a character c
, the key might get long pressed, and the character will be typed 1 or more times.
You examine the typed
characters of the keyboard. Return True
if it is possible that it was your friends name, with some characters (possibly none) being long pressed.
Example 1:
Input: name = "alex", typed = "aaleex"
Output: true
Explanation: 'a' and 'e' in 'alex' were long pressed.
Example 2:
Input: name = "saeed", typed = "ssaaedd"
Output: false
Explanation: 'e' must have been pressed twice, but it wasn't in the typed output.
Example 3:
Input: name = "leelee", typed = "lleeelee"
Output: true
Example 4:
Input: name = "laiden", typed = "laiden"
Output: true
Explanation: It's not necessary to long press any character.
name.length <= 1000
typed.length <= 1000
- The characters of
are lowercase letters.
class Solution(object):
def isLongPressedName(self, name, typed):
:type name: str
:type typed: str
:rtype: bool
for c in name:
if j==len(typed):
return False
if typed[j]!=c:
if j==0 or typed[j-1]!=typed[j]:
return False
while j<len(typed) and typed[j]==cur:
if j==len(typed) or typed[j]!=c:
return False
return True
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