- ##定义初始变量
- #set($tableName = $tool.append($tableInfo.name, "Controller"))
- ##设置回调
- $!callback.setFileName($tool.append($tableName, ".java"))
- $!callback.setSavePath($tool.append($tableInfo.savePath, "/controller"))
- ##拿到主键
- #if(!$tableInfo.pkColumn.isEmpty())
- #set($pk = $tableInfo.pkColumn.get(0))
- #end
- #if($tableInfo.savePackageName)package $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.#{end}controller;
- import com.ruoyi.common.core.web.page.TableDataInfo;
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.domain.$!{tableInfo.name};
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.service.$!{tableInfo.name}Service;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
- import com.ruoyi.common.core.web.domain.AjaxResult;
- import com.ruoyi.common.core.web.controller.BaseController;
- import java.util.List;
- import javax.annotation.Resource;
- /**
- * $!{tableInfo.comment}($!{tableInfo.name})表控制层
- *
- * @author $!author
- * @since $!time.currTime()
- */
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping("$!tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)")
- public class $!{tableName} extends BaseController {
- /**
- * 服务对象
- */
- @Resource
- private $!{tableInfo.name}Service $!tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)Service;
- /**
- * 分页查询
- *
- * @param $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)} 筛选条件
- * @return 查询结果
- */
- @GetMapping("list")
- public TableDataInfo<$!{tableInfo.name}> listPage($!{tableInfo.name} $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) {
- startPage();
- List<$!{tableInfo.name}> list = this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Service.list($!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)});
- return getDataTable(list);
- }
- /**
- * 通过主键查询单条数据
- *
- * @param id 主键
- * @return 单条数据
- */
- @GetMapping("{id}")
- public AjaxResult<$!{tableInfo.name}> query(@PathVariable("id") $!pk.shortType id) {
- return AjaxResult.success(this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Service.getById(id));
- }
- /**
- * 新增数据
- *
- * @param $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)} 实体
- * @return 新增结果
- */
- @PostMapping
- public AjaxResult add($!{tableInfo.name} $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Service.insert($!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) ? AjaxResult.success() : AjaxResult.error400();
- }
- /**
- * 编辑数据
- *
- * @param $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)} 实体
- * @return 编辑结果
- */
- @PutMapping
- public AjaxResult edit($!{tableInfo.name} $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Service.update($!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) ? AjaxResult.success() : AjaxResult.error400();
- }
- /**
- * 删除数据
- *
- * @param id 主键
- * @return 删除是否成功
- */
- @DeleteMapping
- public AjaxResult deleteById($!pk.shortType id) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Service.deleteById(id) ? AjaxResult.success() : AjaxResult.error400();
- }
- }
- ##定义初始变量
- #set($tableName = $tool.append($tableInfo.name, "Mapper"))
- ##设置回调
- $!callback.setFileName($tool.append($tableName, ".java"))
- $!callback.setSavePath($tool.append($tableInfo.savePath, "/mapper"))
- ##拿到主键
- #if(!$tableInfo.pkColumn.isEmpty())
- #set($pk = $tableInfo.pkColumn.get(0))
- #end
- #if($tableInfo.savePackageName)package $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.#{end}mapper;
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.domain.$!{tableInfo.name};
- import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
- import java.util.List;
- /**
- * $!{tableInfo.comment}($!{tableInfo.name})表数据库访问层
- *
- * @author $!author
- * @since $!time.currTime()
- */
- public interface $!{tableName} {
- /**
- * 通过ID查询单条数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- $!{tableInfo.name} getById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name);
- /**
- * 查询指定行数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 查询条件
- * @return 对象列表
- */
- List<$!{tableInfo.name}> list($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 统计总行数
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 查询条件
- * @return 总行数
- */
- long count($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 新增数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 影响行数
- */
- int insert($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 批量新增数据(MyBatis原生foreach方法)
- *
- * @param entities List<$!{tableInfo.name}> 实例对象列表
- * @return 影响行数
- */
- int insertBatch(@Param("entities") List<$!{tableInfo.name}> entities);
- /**
- * 批量新增或按主键更新数据(MyBatis原生foreach方法)
- *
- * @param entities List<$!{tableInfo.name}> 实例对象列表
- * @return 影响行数
- * @throws org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException 入参是空List的时候会抛SQL语句错误的异常,请自行校验入参
- */
- int insertOrUpdateBatch(@Param("entities") List<$!{tableInfo.name}> entities);
- /**
- * 修改数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 影响行数
- */
- int update($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 通过主键删除数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 影响行数
- */
- int deleteById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name);
- }
- ##引入宏定义
- $!{define.vm}
- ##使用宏定义设置回调(保存位置与文件后缀)
- #save("/domain", ".java")
- ##使用宏定义设置包后缀
- #setPackageSuffix("domain")
- ##使用全局变量实现默认包导入
- $!{autoImport.vm}
- import java.io.Serializable;
- ##使用宏定义实现类注释信息
- #tableComment("实体类")
- public class $!{tableInfo.name} implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = $!tool.serial();
- #foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
- #if(${column.comment})/**
- * ${column.comment}
- */#end
- private $!{tool.getClsNameByFullName($column.type)} $!{column.name};
- #end
- #foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
- ##使用宏定义实现get,set方法
- #getSetMethod($column)
- #end
- }
$!callback.setFileName($tool.append($!{tableInfo.name}, "Mapper.xml"))
$!callback.setSavePath($tool.append($modulePath, "/src/main/resources/mapper"))
#set($pk = $tableInfo.pkColumn.get(0))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="$!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.mapper.$!{tableInfo.name}Mapper">
<resultMap id="$!{tableInfo.name}Po" type="$!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.domain.$!{tableInfo.name}">
<!--@Table $!{tableInfo.obj.name}-->
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
<result property="$!column.name" column="$!column.obj.name" jdbcType="$!column.ext.jdbcType"/>
<sql id="selectPo">
from $!tableInfo.obj.name
<select id="getById" resultMap="$!{tableInfo.name}Po">
<include refid="selectPo"/>
where $!pk.obj.name = #{$!pk.name}
<select id="list" resultMap="$!{tableInfo.name}Po">
<include refid="selectPo"/>
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
<if test="$!column.name != null#if($column.type.equals("java.lang.String")) and $!column.name != ''#end">
and $!column.obj.name = #{$!column.name}
order by $!pk.obj.name desc
<!-- 新增选择列 -->
<insert id="insert" keyProperty="$!pk.name" useGeneratedKeys="true">
insert into $!{tableInfo.obj.name}
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
<if test="$!column.name != null#if($column.type.equals("java.lang.String")) and $!column.name != ''#end">`$!column.obj.name`,</if>
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," >
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.fullColumn)
<if test="$!column.name != null#if($column.type.equals("java.lang.String")) and $!column.name != ''#end">#{$!column.name},</if>
<insert id="insertBatch" keyProperty="$!pk.name" useGeneratedKeys="true">
insert into $!{tableInfo.obj.name}(#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)$!column.obj.name#if($velocityHasNext), #end#end)
<foreach collection="entities" item="entity" separator=",">
(#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)#{entity.$!{column.name}}#if($velocityHasNext), #end#end)
<insert id="insertOrUpdateBatch" keyProperty="$!pk.name" useGeneratedKeys="true">
insert into $!{tableInfo.obj.name}(#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)$!column.obj.name#if($velocityHasNext), #end#end)
<foreach collection="entities" item="entity" separator=",">
(#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)#{entity.$!{column.name}}#if($velocityHasNext), #end#end)
on duplicate key update
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)$!column.obj.name = values($!column.obj.name)#if($velocityHasNext),
<update id="update">
update $!{tableInfo.obj.name}
#foreach($column in $tableInfo.otherColumn)
<if test="$!column.name != null#if($column.type.equals("java.lang.String")) and $!column.name != ''#end">$!column.obj.name = #{$!column.name},</if>
where $!pk.obj.name = #{$!pk.name}
<delete id="deleteById">
delete from $!{tableInfo.obj.name} where $!pk.obj.name = #{$!pk.name}
- ##定义初始变量
- #set($tableName = $tool.append($tableInfo.name, "Service"))
- ##设置回调
- $!callback.setFileName($tool.append($tableName, ".java"))
- $!callback.setSavePath($tool.append($tableInfo.savePath, "/service"))
- ##拿到主键
- #if(!$tableInfo.pkColumn.isEmpty())
- #set($pk = $tableInfo.pkColumn.get(0))
- #end
- #if($tableInfo.savePackageName)package $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.#{end}service;
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.domain.$!{tableInfo.name};
- import java.util.List;
- /**
- * $!{tableInfo.comment}($!{tableInfo.name})表服务接口
- *
- * @author $!author
- * @since $!time.currTime()
- */
- public interface $!{tableName} {
- /**
- * 通过ID查询单条数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- $!{tableInfo.name} getById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name);
- /**
- * 分页查询
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 筛选条件
- * @return 查询结果
- */
- List<$!{tableInfo.name}> list($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 新增数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- boolean insert($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 修改数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- boolean update($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}));
- /**
- * 通过主键删除数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 是否成功
- */
- boolean deleteById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name);
- }
- ##定义初始变量
- #set($tableName = $tool.append($tableInfo.name, "ServiceImpl"))
- ##设置回调
- $!callback.setFileName($tool.append($tableName, ".java"))
- $!callback.setSavePath($tool.append($tableInfo.savePath, "/service/impl"))
- ##拿到主键
- #if(!$tableInfo.pkColumn.isEmpty())
- #set($pk = $tableInfo.pkColumn.get(0))
- #end
- #if($tableInfo.savePackageName)package $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.#{end}service.impl;
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.domain.$!{tableInfo.name};
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.mapper.$!{tableInfo.name}Mapper;
- import $!{tableInfo.savePackageName}.service.$!{tableInfo.name}Service;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
- import java.util.List;
- import javax.annotation.Resource;
- /**
- * $!{tableInfo.comment}($!{tableInfo.name})表服务实现类
- *
- * @author $!author
- * @since $!time.currTime()
- */
- @Service("$!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})Service")
- public class $!{tableName} implements $!{tableInfo.name}Service {
- @Resource
- private $!{tableInfo.name}Mapper $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})Mapper;
- /**
- * 通过ID查询单条数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- @Override
- public $!{tableInfo.name} getById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})}Mapper.getById($!pk.name);
- }
- /**
- * 分页查询
- *
- * @param $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)} 筛选条件
- * @return 查询结果
- */
- @Override
- public List<$!{tableInfo.name}> list($!{tableInfo.name} $!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)}Mapper.list($!{tool.firstLowerCase($tableInfo.name)});
- }
- /**
- * 新增数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- @Override
- public boolean insert($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})}Mapper.insert($!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})) > 0;
- }
- /**
- * 修改数据
- *
- * @param $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name}) 实例对象
- * @return 实例对象
- */
- @Override
- public boolean update($!{tableInfo.name} $!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})}Mapper.update($!tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})) > 0;
- }
- /**
- * 通过主键删除数据
- *
- * @param $!pk.name 主键
- * @return 是否成功
- */
- @Override
- public boolean deleteById($!pk.shortType $!pk.name) {
- return this.$!{tool.firstLowerCase($!{tableInfo.name})}Mapper.deleteById($!pk.name) > 0;
- }
- }
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