
830. Positions of Large Groups




思路 :

end start end-start
a 0 0
b 1 0,1 1-0=1
c 2 1,2 2-1=1
d 3 2,3 3-2=1
d 4 3
d 5 3
e 6 3,6 6-3=3 3,5
e 7 6
e 8 6
e 9 6
a 10 6,10 10-6=4 6,9
a 11 10
b 12 10,12 12-10=2
b 13 12
b 14 12
c 15 12,15 15-12=3 12,14
d 16 13,14 16-15=1


public List<List<Integer>> largeGroupPositions(String S) {
List<List<Integer>> retList = new ArrayList<>();
if (S.length() < 3) return retList;
int startIdx = 0, endIdx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < S.length(); i++) {
endIdx = i;
if (S.charAt(i) != S.charAt(startIdx)) {
if (endIdx - startIdx > 2) {
retList.add(Arrays.asList(startIdx, endIdx - 1));
startIdx = i;
if (endIdx - startIdx > 1) {
retList.add(Arrays.asList(startIdx, endIdx));
return retList;

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