I have used many note-taking apps, including Notion, oneNotes, Obsidian, Sublime Text, etc.

Here I will list the strengths and weaknesses of the above apps.

( for free users )





  • support md

  • many features, liURLurl, page cover...

  • unlimited notes and file folders

  • sync is slow

  • privacy problems


  • support handwriting

  • unlimited notes and file folders

  • sync is slow

  • font support is a mess


  • support md

  • only local, protect privacy

  • many plugins, like calendars, themes...

  • unlimited notes and file folders

  • multi-device is not supported

Sublime Text

  • support md

  • friendly to programmers writing code

  • many plugins

  • unlimited notes and file folders

  • multi-device is not supported

Therefore, I prefer to a more privacy-focused and convenient note-taking app, so I compare Notesnook with Joplin in the following aspects.

( for free users )





  • open-source

  • organize notes, documents, and to-dos in one place

  • unlimited notes

  • sync available on multiple platforms and devices

  • Offline access

  • Ad-free

  • open-source

  • organize notes, documents, and to-dos in one place

  • unlimited notes but limited organization(3 notesbooks and 5 tags)

  • sync available on multiple platforms and devices

  • Offline access

  • Ad-free

Markdown support

  • yes

  • yes, only basic text function


  • end-to-end encryption(notes are encrypted on your device and synced so no matter what device you use)

  • using AES-256 encryption.

  • Data stored on users' sever

  • end-to-end encryption

  • using AES-256 encryption.

  • Data stored on provider' sever


  • various formats including Markdown, HTML, and PDF.

  • only text


  • more feature-rich

  • simple, easy to use


  • Web Clipper

  • Reminders

  • Extensible by Plugins/Extension

  • Subtasks

  • Full-Text Search

  • Automatic Backup

  • Decentralized

    No registration required

  • Full-Text Search

  • Automatic Backup

  • Built-in app lock

  • Password protected note sharing

  • Password protected notes

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