  2.使用concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor,官方文档很详细。程序运行也很不错,但是在脚本执行完毕后退出时抛出异常。Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs。大致的内容是handle is closed,通过追踪大致可以判断出脚本执行完毕时,会有futures.process的_python_exit()执行,此时ProcessPoolExecutor执行完毕后释放,没有线程可以被wakeup,所以报错。引起这个问题的是官方推荐的with as写法,with as 执行完毕后会将对象释放,结果在退出的时候引发异常。
  解决方案也很反常,不使用with as的自动释放,也不使用shutdown手动释放,而是不释放,在整个脚本执行完毕的时候,由_python_exit()进行释放。
# Workers are created as daemon threads and processes. This is done to allow the
# interpreter to exit when there are still idle processes in a
# ProcessPoolExecutor's process pool (i.e. shutdown() was not called). However,
# allowing workers to die with the interpreter has two undesirable properties:
# - The workers would still be running during interpreter shutdown,
# meaning that they would fail in unpredictable ways.
# - The workers could be killed while evaluating a work item, which could
# be bad if the callable being evaluated has external side-effects e.g.
# writing to a file.
# To work around this problem, an exit handler is installed which tells the
# workers to exit when their work queues are empty and then waits until the
# threads/processes finish.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed ,ThreadPoolExecutor
import time async def post_http():
# 示例
url = ''
data = ''
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(url=url, data=data, headers={}, timeout=60) as resp:
r_json = await resp.json()
return r_json async def t_handler(data, t_flag, p_flag, semaphore):
async with semaphore:
for d in data:
print(f'pid:{p_flag} tid:{t_flag} data:{d}')
await asyncio.sleep(1) # 处理费时的io操作,比如httprequest
return def p_handler(datas, p_flag):
# 线程并发数需要有限制 linux打开文件最大默认为1024 win为509 待确认
ts = time.time()
num = 10 # 最大并发数
count = len(datas)
block = int(count / num) + 1
tar_datas = [datas[i * block: (i + 1) * block if (i + 1) * block < count else count] for i in range(num)]
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(num)
tasks = [t_handler(d, i, p_flag, semaphore) for i, d in enumerate(tar_datas)] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # 基于当前线程 ,故在多线程中无法使用 只能在多进程中使用
loop.close() return f'\033[0;32mprocess {p_flag} :cost {time.time() - ts}\033[0m' if __name__ == '__main__':
ts = time.time()
datas = [i for i in range(1000)]
datas = [datas[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] for i in range(10)] # 每个进程要处理的数据 # 启动异步io 主线程调用 event_loop 在当前线程下启动异步io 实现并发
# res = p_handler(datas,1)
# print(res) p_num = 10
block_len = 100 datas = [datas[i * 100:(i + 1) * 100] for i in range(p_num)] # 每个进程要处理的数据
# ProcessPoolExecutor 可能与运行环境有关 官方的 with as 会主动释放线程 导致主线程退出时找不到进程池内进程已经被释放 导致Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs异常
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(p_num)
futures = [executor.submit(p_handler, d, p_flag) for p_flag, d in enumerate(datas)]
for f in as_completed(futures):
if f.done():
res = f.result()
print(res) print(f'Exit!! cost:{time.time() - ts}')


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