DB2 Error Messages (Sorted by SQLCODE)
SQLCODE | SQLSTATE | Description |
000 | 00000 | The SQL statement finished successfully. |
01xxx | The SQL statement finished successfully, but with a warning. | |
+012 | 01545 | The unqualified column name was interpreted as a correlated reference. |
+098 | 01568 | A dynamic SQL statement ends with a semicolon. |
+100 | 02000 | No rows found to satisfy the SQL statement. |
+110 | 01561 | Update to a table defined using DATA CAPTURE was not signaled to originating subsystem. (DPROP) |
+111 | 01590 | The SUBPAGES clause was specified (and ignored) for a Type 2 index. |
+117 | 01525 | The number of values being inserted does not equal the number of columns in the table being inserted to. |
+162 | 01514 | Named tablespace placed in check pending status. |
+203 | 01552 | The named qualified column was resolved using a non-unique name. |
+204 | 01532 | Named object is not defined to DB2. |
+206 | 01533 | Named column does not exist in any table named in the SQL statement. |
+218 | 01537 | EXPLAIN cannot be executed for the SQL statement as it references a remote object. |
+219 | 01532 | The named PLAN_TABLE does not exist. |
+220 | 01546 | Improperly defined PLAN_TABLE; check definition of named column. |
+236 | 01005 | The value of SQLN in the SQLDA should be at least as large as the number of columns that are being described. |
+237 | 01594 | At least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries. |
+238 | 01005 | At least one of the columns being described is a LOB, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries. |
+239 | 01005 | At least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, so additional space is required for extended SQLVAR entries. |
+304 | 01515 | Value cannot be assigned to host variable because it is out of range for the data type. |
+331 | 01520 | String cannot be translated so it has been assigned to NULL. |
+339 | 01569 | Character conversion problem may exist due to connection to a DB2 V2.2 subsystem. |
+394 | 01629 | Optimizer "hints" used to select the access path. |
+395 | 01628 | Invalid optimizer "hints" specified; reason code specifies why. Optimizer "hints" were ignored. |
+402 | 01521 | Unknown location. |
+403 | 01522 | CREATE ALIAS object does not exist locally. |
+434 | 01608 | The specified feature will not be supported in future releases of DB2. IBM recommends that you stop using this feature. |
+445 | 01004 | Value has been truncated by a CAST function. |
+462 | 01Hxx | Warning issued by user-defined function or stored procedure. |
+464 | 01609 | Named stored procedure exceeded the limit on the number of query results sets it can return. |
+466 | 01610 | Specifies the number of query results sets returned by the named stored procedure. Successful completion. |
+494 | 01614 | Number of results sets returned by a stored procedure exceeds the number of results set locators as specified by the ASSOCIATE LOCATORS statement. |
+495 | 01616 | Warning issued because the cost estimate for the dynamic SQL exceeds the warning threshold value specified in the RLST. |
+535 | 01591 | A positioned update of a primary key or a delete from a table with a self-referencing constraint was requested. |
+541 | 01543 | Named foreign key is a duplicate referential constraint. |
+551 | 01548 | Named authorization ID lacks authority to perform the named operation on the named DB2 object. |
+552 | 01542 | Named authorization ID lacks authority to perform the named operation. |
+558 | 01516 | Already granted to PUBLIC so WITH GRANT OPTION not applicable. |
+561 | 01523 | PUBLIC AT ALL LOCATIONS not valid for ALTER. REFERENCES, INDEX, and TRIGGER privileges. |
+562 | 01560 | One or more of the privileges was ignored because the GRANTEE already possesses that privilege. |
+585 | 01625 | Schema name is specified more than once. |
+599 | 01596 | Comparison functions are not created for long string data types (BLOB, CLOB, and DBCLOB). |
+610 | 01566 | The named object is in a PENDING status due to creating an index specifying DEFER YES or because ALTER INDEX was used to change limit key values. |
+625 | 01518 | Table definition marked incomplete because primary key index was dropped. |
+626 | 01529 | Index to enforce UNIQUE constraint has been dropped; uniqueness no longer enforced. |
+645 | 01528 | WHERE NOT NULL was ignored because the key for the index being created cannot contain NULLs. |
+650 | 01538 | Cannot alter or create the named table as a dependent table. |
+653 | 01551 | Partitioned index for the named table in the named partitioned tablespace has not been created yet, so it is unavailable. |
+655 | 01597 | Specific and non-specific volume IDs specified to the CREATE or ALTER STOGROUP statement; will not be supported in later DB2 releases (post V6). |
+658 | 01600 | Cannot specify SUBPAGES clause when creating a catalog index; SUBPAGES will be ignored and default to 1. |
+664 | 01540 | Limit key for the partitioning index exceeds the maximum value. |
+738 | 01530 | The change to the named object may require like changes for the objects in read-only systems. |
+799 | 01527 | A special register that does not exist is referenced in the SET statement. The SET request is ignored. |
+802 | 01519 | Data exception error caused by data overflow or divide exception. |
+806 | 01553 | ISOLATION(RR) conflicts with LOCKSIZE PAGE. |
+807 | 01554 | Overflow may result due to decimal multiplication. |
+863 | 01539 | Connection successful, but only SBCS will be supported. |
+2000 | 56094 | Type 1 indexes where SUBPAGES does not equal 1 cannot become group bufferpool dependent in a data sharing environment. |
+2002 | 01624 | The GBPCACHE specification is ignored because the specified bufferpool does not allow caching. |
+2007 | 01602 | Optimizer "hints" cannot be specified because the DB2 subsystem parameter disabling "hints" has been activated. |
+30100 | 01558 | Distribution protocol error detected. Original SQLCODE and SQLSTATE provided. |
-007 | 42601 | Illegal character in SQL statement. |
-010 | 42603 | String constant not terminated properly; check for missing quotation marks. |
-029 | 42601 | INTO clause required. |
-060 | 42815 | Invalid length or scale specification for the specified data type. |
-084 | 42612 | SQL statement cannot be executed because it is invalid for dynamic SQL or is not valid for DB2 for OS/390. |
-097 | 42601 | Cannot use LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC with CAST, or in distinct types, user-defined functions, and procedures. |
-101 | 54001 | SQL statement exceeds an established DB2 limit; for example, too many tables, too many bytes in statement, and so on. |
-102 | 54002 | String constant is too long. |
-103 | 42604 | Invalid numeric literal. |
-104 | 42601 | Illegal symbol encountered in SQL statement. |
-105 | 42604 | Invalid character string format; usually refers to an improperly formatted graphic string. |
-107 | 42622 | Object name is too long. |
-108 | 42601 | Incorrect name specified for the RENAME statement; cannot use a qualifier. |
-109 | 42601 | Invalid clause specified; for example: CREATE VIEW cannot contain an ORDER BY clause. |
-110 | 42606 | Invalid hexadecimal literal encountered. |
-111 | 42901 | Column function specified without a column name. |
-112 | 42607 | Invalid column function syntax; column function cannot operate on another column function. |
-113 | 42602 | Invalid character encountered. |
-114 | 42961 | Location name for this statement must match the current server, but it does not. |
-115 | 42601 | Invalid predicate encountered because comparison operator is not followed by an expression or list. |
-117 | 42802 | Number of inserted values not equivalent to number of columns for the inserted row. |
-118 | 42902 | Table or view is illegally named in both data modification clause (UPDATE or DELETE) and the FROM clause. |
-119 | 42803 | Column list in HAVING clause does not match column list in the GROUP BY clause. |
-120 | 42903 | The WHERE clause, SET clause, VALUES clause, or SET ASSIGNMENT statement is not allowed to reference a column function. |
-121 | 42701 | A column is illegally referenced twice in an INSERT or UPDATE statement. |
-122 | 42803 | Column function applied illegally because all columns not applied to a column function are not in the GROUP BY clause. |
-123 | 42601 | The parameter in the specified position must be either a constant or a key word. |
-125 | 42805 | Invalid number specified in the ORDER BY clause--number is either less than 1 or greater than the number of columns selected. |
-126 | 42829 | An ORDER BY clause cannot be specified for an UPDATE statement. |
-127 | 42905 | DISTINCT can only be specified once in a subselect. |
-128 | 42601 | NULL use improperly in an SQL predicate. |
-129 | 54004 | The SQL statement contains more than 15 tables. |
-130 | 22019 | Escape clause must be 1 character. |
22025 | Invalid escape pattern. | |
-131 | 42818 | The LIKE predicate can only be applied to character data. |
-132 | 42824 | Invalid operand in LIKE clause, ESCAPE clause, LOCATE function, or POSSTR function. |
-133 | 42906 | Invalid correlated subquery reference. |
-134 | 42907 | Column larger than 255 bytes used improperly. |
-136 | 54005 | Sort key length is greater than 4000 bytes. |
-137 | 54006 | Concatenated string is too large; maximum is 32,767 for character or 16,382 for graphic. |
-138 | 22011 | The second or third operator of the SUBSTR column function is invalid. |
-142 | 42612 | Unsupported SQL statement. The statement might be valid in another RDBMS, or the statement might be valid in another context (for example, VALUES can only appear inside a trigger). |
-144 | 58003 | Named section number is invalid. |
-147 | 42809 | A source function cannot be altered. To change the source function, it must be dropped and recreated. |
-148 | 42809 | The RENAME or ALTER cannot be executed. RENAME cannot be used to rename a view or an active RLST table; ALTER cannot be used to alter the column length because the column participates in RI, a user exit, a global temporary table, or a table with DATA CAPTURE CHANGES on. |
-150 | 42807 | Invalid view update requested or a transition table was specified in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement during a triggered action. |
-151 | 42808 | Invalid column update requested; trying to update either a non-updateable view column, a DB2 Catalog table column, or a ROWID column. |
-152 | 42809 | DROP CHECK tried to drop a referential constraint; or DROP FOREIGN KEY tried to drop a check constraint. |
-153 | 42908 | Invalid view creation required; must provide a name for an unnamed or duplicate column listed in the select list. |
-154 | 42909 | Cannot create a view using UNION, UNION ALL, or a remote table. |
-156 | 42809 | It is invalid to create an index on a view or specify an object other than a table on the ALTER TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER, DROP TABLE, or LOCK TABLE statements. |
-157 | 42810 | Must specify a table name on the FOREIGN KEY clause. |
-158 | 42811 | View columns do not match columns in the select list. |
-159 | 42809 | Invalid DROP or COMMENT ON statement. |
-160 | 42813 | WITH CHECK OPTION invalid for this view. |
-161 | 44000 | The WITH CHECK OPTION clause of the view being updated prohibits this row from being inserted or updated as specified. |
-164 | 42502 | User does not have the authority to create this view. |
-170 | 42605 | Invalid number of arguments specified for the scalar function. |
-171 | 42815 | Invalid data type length or value for the scalar function. |
-173 | 42801 | Isolation level UR cannot be specified on a cursor that is not read-only. |
-180 | 22007 | Invalid syntax for the string representation of a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value. |
-181 | 22007 | Not a valid DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value. |
-182 | 42816 | Invalid date/time value in an arithmetic expression. |
-183 | 22008 | Result of arithmetic expression returns a DATE/TIME value that is not within the range of valid values. |
-184 | 42610 | Improper usage of parameter marker for DATE/TIME values. |
-185 | 57008 | No local date/time exits defined. |
-186 | 22505 | Local DATE/TIME exit changed causing invalid length for this program. |
-187 | 22506 | MVS returned invalid current date/time. |
-188 | 22503 | Invalid string representation. |
-189 | 22522 | The named coded character set ID is invalid or undefined. |
-190 | 42837 | Cannot ALTER the column as specified. Can only ALTER column length of VARCHAR columns. |
-191 | 22504 | String contains invalid mixed data. |
-197 | 42877 | Qualified column names cannot be used in an ORDER BY clause when two or more tables are unioned and then ordered. |
-198 | 42617 | Trying to issue a PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement on a blank string. |
-199 | 42601 | Illegal keyword used in SQL statement. |
-203 | 42702 | Ambiguous column reference. |
-204 | 42704 | Undefined object name. |
-205 | 42703 | Invalid column name for specified table. |
-206 | 42703 | Column name not in any table referenced in the FROM clause or in the table on which the trigger is defined. |
-208 | 42707 | Cannot ORDER BY specified column because it is not in the select list. |
-212 | 42712 | The specified table name is not allowed to be used more than once in the trigger. |
-214 | 42822 | Invalid expression caused by DISTINCT and ORDER BY. |
-219 | 42704 | EXPLAIN cannot be executed because PLAN_TABLE does not exist. |
-220 | 55002 | Invalid PLAN_TABLE column encountered. |
-221 | 55002 | If any optional columns are defined for the PLAN_TABLE all of them must be defined. |
-229 | 42708 | The locale specified was not found. |
-240 | 428B4 | The PART clause of a LOCK TABLE statement is invalid. |
-250 | 42718 | Local location name is not defined. |
-251 | 42602 | Invalid token. |
-300 | 22024 | String in host variable or parameter is not null-terminated. |
-301 | 42895 | Invalid host variable data type. |
-302 | 22001 | The value of an input variable is invalid for the specified column. |
22003 | The value of an input variable is too large for the specified column. | |
-303 | 42806 | Value cannot be assigned because of incompatible data types. |
-304 | 22003 | Value cannot be assigned because it is out of range. |
-305 | 22002 | Null indicator variable is missing. |
-309 | 22512 | Invalid predicate due to referenced host variable set to NULL. |
-310 | 22023 | Decimal host variable or parameter cannot contain non-decimal data. |
-311 | 22501 | Invalid length of input host variable; either negative or too large. |
-312 | 42618 | Undefined or unusable host variable. |
-313 | 07001 | Number of host variables does not equal number of parameter markers. |
-314 | 42714 | Ambiguous host variable reference. |
-327 | 22525 | Cannot INSERT row outside the bounds of the last partition key range. |
-330 | 22021 | String cannot be translated successfully. |
-331 | 22021 | String cannot be assigned to a host variable because of unsuccessful translation. |
-332 | 57017 | Translation not defined for the two named coded character set IDs. |
-333 | 56010 | Subtype invalid causing translation to fail. |
-338 | 42972 | Invalid ON clause; must refer to joined columns. |
-339 | 56082 | Access to DB2 V2.2 subsystem was denied because ASCII to EBCDIC translation cannot occur. |
-350 | 42962 | Invalid large object specification. |
-351 | 56084 | Unsupported data type in SELECT list. |
-352 | 56084 | Unsupported data type in input list. |
-355 | 42993 | LOB column is too large to be logged. |
-372 | 428C1 | Only one ROWID column per table is permitted. |
-390 | 42887 | The specified function is not valid in this context. |
-392 | 42855 | The SQLDA for the specified cursor was improperly changed since the previous FETCH. |
-396 | 38505 | Attempted to execute SQL statement during final call processing. |
-397 | 428D3 | Improperly specified GENERATED on a column that is not a ROWID data type. |
-398 | 428D2 | LOCATOR was requested for a host variable that is not a LOB. |
-399 | 22511 | Invalid value specified for ROWID column in the INSERT statement. |
-400 | 54027 | Cannot define more than 100 user-defined indexes in the DB2 Catalog. |
-401 | 42818 | The operands of an arithmetic or comparison operator are not compatible. |
-402 | 42819 | Arithmetic function cannot be applied to character or date/time data. |
-404 | 22001 | The SQL statement specified a string that is too long. |
-405 | 42820 | Numeric literal is out of range. |
-406 | 22003 | A calculated or derived numeric value is out of range. |
-407 | 23502 | Cannot insert a null value into a column that is defined as NOT NULL. |
-408 | 42821 | Value cannot be inserted or updated because it is incompatible with the column's data type. |
-409 | 42607 | COUNT function specified invalid operand. |
-410 | 42820 | Floating point literal longer than maximum allowable length of 30 characters. |
-411 | 56040 | Invalid CURRENT SQLID usage. |
-412 | 42823 | Multiple columns encountered in the select list of a subquery. |
-413 | 22003 | Overflow condition when converting a numeric data type. |
-414 | 42824 | The LIKE predicate cannot operate on columns defined with a numeric or date/time data type. |
-415 | 42825 | The select lists specified for the UNION operation are not union-compatible. |
-416 | 42907 | Long string columns are not allowed in SQL statements containing the UNION operator. |
-417 | 42609 | Two parameter markers specified as operands on both sides of the same predicate. |
-418 | 42610 | Invalid usage of parameter markers. |
-419 | 42911 | Invalid decimal division. |
-420 | 22018 | Character string argument value did not conform to the function's requirements. |
-421 | 42826 | Same number of columns not supplied in the select lists for a UNION operation. |
-423 | 0F001 | Invalid value specified for the LOB or result set locator. |
-426 | 2D528 | COMMIT not permitted for an application server where updates are not permitted. |
-427 | 2D529 | ROLLBACK not permitted for an application server where updates are not permitted. |
-430 | 38503 | Error encountered within a user-defined function or stored procedure. |
-433 | 22001 | Specified value is too long. |
-435 | 428B3 | Invalid application-defined SQLSTATE. |
-438 | xxxxx | Error raised by the application using the RAISE_ERROR function. |
-440 | 42884 | Number of parameters in the parameter list for a stored procedure or user-defined function does not match the number expected. |
-441 | 42601 | Improper usage of DISTINCT or ALL in combination with a scalar function. |
-443 | 42601 | Error SQLSTATE returned by the specified external function. |
-444 | 42724 | Program associated with the called stored procedure or user-defined function could not be found. |
-449 | 42878 | The EXTERNAL NAME clause is improperly missing from the CREATE or ALTER statement for the stored procedure or user-defined function. |
-450 | 39501 | The stored procedure or user-defined function overwrote storage beyond a parameter's declared length. |
-451 | 42815 | Improper data type specified in CREATE FUNCTION. |
-453 | 42880 | Invalid RETURNS clause in user-defined function. |
-454 | 42723 | The signature of the function specified matches a signature of another function that already exists. |
-455 | 42882 | Schema names do not match. |
-456 | 42710 | The specific name of the user-defined function already exists. |
-457 | 42939 | The user-defined function or user-defined type is attempting to use the name of a system-defined function or type. |
-458 | 42883 | Function not found. |
-463 | 39001 | Invalid SQLSTATE returned by the specified external routine. |
-469 | 42886 | Host variable must be provided on the CALL statement for parameters defined as OUT or INOUT. |
-470 | 39002 | Null parameter specified but the routine does not support NULLs. |
-471 | 55023 | Stored procedure or user-defined function failed; reason code provided. |
-472 | 24517 | Cursor was left open by the external function program. |
-473 | 42918 | Cannot name a user-defined data type the same as a system-defined data type. |
-475 | 42866 | The result type is not castable to the RETURNS type. |
-476 | 42725 | The function is not unique within its schema. |
-478 | 42893 | Cannot DROP or REVOKE the specified object because another object is dependent on it. |
-480 | 51030 | DESCRIBE PROCEDURE and ASSOCIATE LOCATORS cannot be issued until the stored procedure has been CALLed. |
-482 | 51030 | Stored procedure returned no locators. |
-483 | 42885 | Number of parameters in the CREATE FUNCTION statement does not match the number of parameters in the source function. |
-487 | 38001 | The specified stored procedure or user-defined function was created with the NO SQL option, but it is trying to issue an SQL statement. |
-491 | 42601 | The CREATE FUNCTION statement is invalid because it does not have a RETURNS clause, or because it does not specify a valid SOURCE or EXTERNAL clause. |
-492 | 42879 | The specified parameter number of the specified function is in error. |
-495 | 57051 | The estimated processor cost of the statement exceeds resource limit. |
-496 | 51033 | Statement cannot be executed because the current server is different than the server that called a stored procedure |
-497 | 54041 | Named database exceeded the limit of 32,767 OBIDs, or the CREATE DATABASE statement causes the limit of 32,511 DBIDs to be reached. |
-499 | 24516 | Named cursor already assigned to a result set from named stored procedure. |
-500 | 24501 | A WITH HOLD cursor was closed because the connection was destroyed. |
-501 | 24501 | Must open a cursor before attempting to fetch from it or close it. |
-502 | 24502 | Cannot open a cursor twice without first closing it. |
-503 | 42912 | Column cannot be updated because it was not specified in the FOR UPDATE OF clause of the cursor from which it was fetched. |
-504 | 34000 | Cannot reference cursor because it is not defined to the program. |
-507 | 24501 | Must open a cursor before attempting to update or delete WHERE CURRENT OF. |
-508 | 24504 | Cannot update or delete because the referenced cursor is not currently positioned on a data row. |
-509 | 42827 | Cannot update from a different table than the one specified on the cursor referenced by the WHERE CURRENT OF clause. |
-510 | 42828 | Table or view cannot be modified as requested. |
-511 | 42829 | FOR UPDATE OF is invalid for non-modifiable tables or views. |
-512 | 56023 | Invalid reference to a remote object. |
-513 | 42924 | An alias cannot be defined on another alias. |
-514 | 26501 | Cursor has not been prepared. |
-516 | 26501 | Describe attempted for an unprepared SQL statement. |
-517 | 07005 | Cursor is invalid because the SQL statement has not yet been prepared. |
-518 | 07003 | Execute attempted for an unprepared SQL statement. |
-519 | 24506 | Cursor cannot be open when issuing a prepare statement for its SQL statement. |
-525 | 51015 | Cannot execute SQL statement within named package because it was invalid at bind time. |
-526 | 42995 | Global temporary table cannot be used in the given context. |
-530 | 23503 | Invalid foreign key value specified for the specified constraint name. |
-531 | 23504 | As of V5, multi-row update of a parent key attempted to remove a parent key vale on which a foreign key was dependent. |
Prior to V5, attempting to update a primary key value when foreign keys currently exist that reference that value. | ||
-532 | 23504 | Deletion violates the named referential constraint. |
-533 | 21501 | Invalid multiple row insert; attempted to insert multiple rows into a self-referencing table. |
-534 | 21502 | An update statement changing the value of a primary key column cannot be used to update more than one row at a time. |
-535 | 21502 | Cannot specify WHERE CURRENT OF when deleting from a self-referencing table or updating primary key column(s). This code will be raised only by non-V5 subsystems. |
-536 | 42914 | Invalid delete statement due to referential constraints existing for the specified table. |
-537 | 42709 | A single column cannot appear more than once in a foreign key or primary key clause specification. |
-538 | 42830 | Invalid foreign key; does not conform to the definition of the referenced table's primary key. |
-539 | 42888 | Foreign key cannot be defined because the referenced table does not have a primary key. |
-540 | 57001 | Table definition is incomplete until a unique index is created for the primary key or UNIQUE clause, or the ROWID column contains the GENERATED BY DEFAULT attribute. |
-542 | 42831 | Nullable columns are not permitted to be included as part of a primary key. |
-543 | 23511 | DELETE cannot occur because the table is a parent table in a referential constraint specifying the SET NULL delete rule, but the check constraint does not allow NULLs. |
-544 | 23512 | Cannot add this check constraint using ALTER because an existing row violates the check constraint. |
-545 | 23513 | INSERT or UPDATE caused a check constraint violation. |
-546 | 42621 | Invalid check constraint specified in CREATE or ALTER TABLE. |
-548 | 42621 | Invalid check constraint due to named column. |
-549 | 42509 | Invalid SQL statement for DYNAMICRULES(BIND) plan or package. |
-551 | 42501 | User is attempting to perform an operation on the specified object for which he is not authorized, or the table does not exist. |
-552 | 42502 | User is attempting to perform an operation for which he is not authorized. |
-553 | 42503 | Cannot set CURRENT SQLID because the user has not been set up to change to that ID. |
-554 | 42502 | Cannot grant a privilege to yourself. |
-555 | 42502 | Cannot revoke a privilege from yourself. |
-556 | 42504 | Cannot revoke a privilege that the user does not possess. |
-557 | 42852 | Inconsistent grant or revoke key word specified. |
-558 | 56025 | Invalid clause or clauses specified for the grant or revoke statement. |
-559 | 57002 | The DB2 authorization mechanism has been disabled. Grant and revoke cannot be issued. |
-567 | 42501 | Named authorization ID lacks the authority to bind the named package. |
-571 | 25000 | Multiple site updates are not permitted. |
-573 | 42890 | Referential constraint cannot be defined because the named parent table does not have a unique key on the specified column. |
-574 | 42894 | Specified default conflicts with the column definition. |
-577 | 38002 | Tried to modify data in a user-defined function or stored procedure that was created without the MODIFIES SQL DATA option. |
-579 | 38004 | Tried to read data in a user-defined function or stored procedure that was created without either the READS SQL DATA or MODIFIES SQL DATA option. |
-580 | 42625 | Result expressions of a CASE expression cannot all be NULL. |
-581 | 42804 | Incompatible data types in the result expressions of a CASE expression. |
-582 | 42625 | Search-condition in a searched-when-clause specifies a quantified, IN, or EXISTS predicate. |
-583 | 42845 | The specified function is invalid because it is not deterministic or may have an external action. |
-585 | 42732 | The schema name appears more than once in the current path. |
-586 | 42907 | The CURRENT PATH special register cannot exceeed 254 characters in length. |
-587 | 428C6 | The list of item-references must be of the same family. |
-590 | 42734 | The parameter name must be unique within the named stored procedure or user-defined function. |
-592 | 42510 | Not authorized to create stored procedures or user-defined functions in WLM environment. |
-601 | 42710 | Attempting to create (or rename) an object that already exists. |
-602 | 54008 | Too many columns specified in the CREATE INDEX statement. |
-603 | 23515 | Unique index cannot be created because duplicates were found. |
-604 | 42611 | Invalid length, precision, or scale specified for the data type in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement. |
-607 | 42832 | The INSERT UPDATE or DELETE statement specified cannot be issued as written against the DB2 Catalog tables. |
-611 | 53088 | When LOCKSIZE is TABLE or TABLESPACE, LOCKMAX must 0. |
-612 | 42711 | Duplicate column names not permitted within a single table, index, or view. |
-613 | 54008 | The primary key or UNIQUE constraint is too long or contains too many columns. |
-614 | 54008 | Maximum internal key length of 255 for indexes has been surpassed. |
-615 | 55006 | Cannot drop this package because it is currently executing. |
-616 | 42893 | The specified object cannot be dropped because other objects are dependent upon it. |
-617 | 56089 | Type 1 index is invalid for DB2 Version 6. For previous releases, a type 1 index cannot be defined with LOCKSIZE ROW or LARGE tablespace. |
-618 | 42832 | Requested operation not permitted for DB2 Catalog tables. |
-619 | 55011 | DSNDB07 cannot be modified unless it has first been stopped. |
-620 | 53001 | The specified key word is not permitted for a tablespace in DSNDB07. |
-621 | 58001 | Duplicate DBID encountered; system problem encountered. |
-622 | 56031 | Cannot specify FOR MIXED DATA because the mixed data option has not been installed. |
-623 | 55012 | Cannot define more than one clustering index for a single table. |
-624 | 42889 | Cannot define more than one primary key for a single table. |
-625 | 55014 | A unique index is required for a table defined with a primary key. |
-626 | 55015 | Cannot issue an ALTER statement to change PRIQTY SECQTY or ERASE unless the tablespace has first been stopped. |
-627 | 55016 | Cannot issue an ALTER statement to change PRIQTY SECQTY or ERASE unless the tablespace has first been defined to use storage groups. |
-628 | 42613 | The clauses specified are mutually exclusive (for example, cannot partition a segmented tablespace). |
-629 | 42834 | SET NULL is invalid because the foreign key cannot contain null values. |
-630 | 56089 | WHERE NOT NULL cannot be specified for Type 1 indexes. |
-631 | 54008 | Invalid foreign key; is either longer than 254 bytes or contains more than 40 columns. |
-632 | 42915 | The specified delete rules prohibit defining this table as a dependent of the named table. |
-633 | 42915 | Invalid delete rule; the specified mandatory delete rule must be used. |
-634 | 42915 | DELETE CASCADE is not allowed in this situation. |
-635 | 42915 | The delete rule cannot be different or cannot be SET NULL. |
-636 | 56016 | The partitioning index must be consistent in its specification of ascending or descending for the partitioning index key. |
-637 | 42614 | Duplicate key word encountered. |
-638 | 42601 | Missing column definition in CREATE TABLE statement. |
-639 | 56027 | A nullable column of a foreign key with a delete rule of SET NULL cannot be a column of the key of a partitioning index. |
-640 | 56089 | LOCKSIZE ROW cannot be specified for this tablespace because a Type 1 index is defined on a table in the tablespace. |
-642 | 54021 | Unique constraint contains too many columns. |
-643 | 54024 | Check constraint exceeds maximum length of 3,800 characters. |
-644 | 42615 | Invalid value specified for key word in the SQL statement. |
-646 | 55017 | The table cannot be created in the specified partitioned or default tablespace because the specified tablespace already contains a table. |
-647 | 57003 | The specified bufferpool is invalid because it has not been activated. |
-650 | 56090 | ALTER INDEX cannot be executed; reason code provided. |
-651 | 54025 | Table object descriptor (OBD) would exceed maximum size (32KB) if the CREATE or ALTER TABLE were allowed. |
-652 | 23506 | Violation of EDITPROC or VALIDPROC encountered. |
-653 | 57004 | A table in a partitioned tablespace is unavailable because the partitioning index has not been created yet. |
-655 | 56036 | STOGROUP cannot specify both specific and non-specific ("*") volumes in the volume list. |
-658 | 42917 | The specified object cannot be dropped as attempted. The object must be dropped by dropping an associated object. |
-660 | 53035 | Improper partitioning index specification; must define limit keys for the clustering index. |
-661 | 53036 | Partitioning index does not specify the proper number of partitions. |
-662 | 53037 | Attempted to create a partitioning index on a non-partitioned (segmented or simple) tablespace. |
-663 | 53038 | Invalid number of key limit values specified for the partitioning index. |
-665 | 53039 | Invalid PART clause specified for ALTER TABLESPACE statement. |
-666 | 57005 | SQL statement cannot be processed because the specified function is current in progress. |
-667 | 42917 | Cannot explicitly drop the clustering index for a partitioned tablespace; must drop the partitioned tablespace to drop index. |
-668 | 56018 | Cannot add a column to a table defined with an EDITPROC. |
-669 | 42917 | Cannot explicitly drop a table in a partitioned tablespace; must drop the partitioned tablespace to drop the table. |
-670 | 54010 | The record length for the table exceeds the page size. |
-671 | 53040 | Cannot alter the bufferpool for the specified tablespace because it would change the page size of the tablespace. |
-672 | 55035 | DROP not allowed on named table. |
-676 | 53041 | Only a 4KB bufferpool can be used for an index. |
-677 | 57011 | Bufferpool expansion failed due to insufficient amount of available virtual storage. |
-678 | 53045 | The literal specified for the limit key in the partitioning index does not conform to the data type of the key value. |
-679 | 57006 | Cannot create the specified object because a drop is currently pending for that object. |
-680 | 54011 | No more than 750 columns can be specified for a DB2 table. |
-681 | 23507 | Column violates specified FIELDPROC. |
-682 | 57010 | FIELDPROC could not be loaded. |
-683 | 42842 | Invalid column, distinct type, function, or procedure because of incompatible clauses. For example, specifying INTEGER with the FOR BIT DATA option. |
-684 | 54012 | The specified literal list cannot exceed 254 bytes. |
-685 | 58002 | FIELDPROC returned an invalid field description. |
-686 | 53043 | A column defined with a FIELDPROC cannot be compared to a column defined with a different FIELDPROC. |
-687 | 53044 | A column cannot be compared to a column with an incompatible field type. |
-688 | 58002 | Incorrect data returned by the FIELDPROC. |
-689 | 54011 | Dependent table defined with too many columns. |
-690 | 23508 | Data definition control support rejected this statement. |
-691 | 57018 | The named registration table does not exist. |
-692 | 57018 | The named index does not exist, but is required for the named registration table. |
-693 | 55003 | The named column for the named registration table/index is invalid. |
-694 | 57023 | A DROP is pending on the named registration table. |
-696 | 42898 | The specified trigger is invalid due to improper use of correlation name or transition table name. |
-697 | 42899 | FOR EACH statement clause specified, so OLD and NEW correlation names are not allowed; or OLD_TABLE and NEW_TABLE cannot be specified for a BEFORE trigger. |
-713 | 42815 | The special register value specified is invalid. |
-715 | 56064 | The named program cannot be run because it depends on features of a release of DB2 that your shop has installed but backed off. |
-716 | 56065 | The named program was precompiled with an incorrect level for this release. |
-717 | 56066 | BIND failed because it depends on features of a release of DB2 that your shop has installed but backed off. |
-718 | 56067 | REBIND failed because IBMREQD column is invalid. |
-719 | 42710 | Cannot BIND ADD a package that already exists. |
-720 | 42710 | Cannot BIND REPLACE a package version that already exists. |
-721 | 42710 | Consistency token must be unique for package. |
-722 | 42704 | Bind error due because the named package does not exist. |
-723 | 09000 | A triggered SQL statement received an error. |
-724 | 54038 | Maximum number of cascading indirect SQL statements reached (16). |
-725 | 42721 | Invalid value supplied to the specified special register. |
-726 | 55030 | Cannot bind this package because of SYSPKSYSTEM entries. |
-728 | 56080 | The specified data type cannot be used with private protocol distribution. |
-729 | 429B1 | A stored procedure defined using COMMIT ON RETURN cannot be the target of a nested procedure CALL. |
-730 | 56053 | Invalid referential integrity definition for a table in a read-only shared database. |
-731 | 56054 | VSAM data set must be defined using SHAREOPTION(1,3). |
-732 | 56055 | Read-only database defined, but the owning DB2 subsystem has not defined the tablespace or index space. |
-733 | 56056 | Inconsistent read-only shared database definition. |
-734 | 56057 | Once a database has been defined as ROSHARE READ, it cannot be altered to a different ROSHARE state. |
-735 | 55004 | The database identified by the named DBID is no longer a read-only shared database. |
-736 | 53014 | The named OBID is invalid. |
-737 | 56056 | Cannot create an implicit tablespace under these circumstances. |
-739 | 56088 | The specified function cannot be altered because both the ALLOW PARALLEL and MODIFIES SQL DATA clauses were specified. |
-740 | 51034 | The specified function cannot be defined with MODIFIES SQL DATA in this way. |
-741 | 55030 | Work file database already defined for named data sharing group member. |
-742 | 53004 | DSNDB07 is the implicit work file database. |
-746 | 57053 | The SQL statement in the specified trigger, stored procedure, or function violates the nesting SQL restriction. |
-747 | 57054 | The specified table is not available until the required auxiliary tables have been created for the LOB data columns. |
-748 | 54042 | An index already exists on the specified auxiliary table. |
-750 | 42986 | Cannot rename the named table because it is referenced in at least one existing view or trigger. |
-751 | 42987 | A stored procedure or user-defined function tried to execute an SQL statement that is not allowed. The DB2 thread is placed in MUST_ROLLBACK state. |
-752 | 0A001 | Invalid CONNECT statement. |
-763 | 560A1 | Invalid tablespace name. |
-764 | 560A2 | The LOB tablespace must be in the same database as its associated base tablespace. |
-765 | 560A3 | The table is not compatible with the database. |
-766 | 560A4 | Cannot perform the requested operation on an auxiliary table. |
-767 | 42626 | The CREATE INDEX failed because columns were specified for an index on an auxiliary table, or because columns were not specified on an index on a non-auxiliary table. |
-768 | 560A5 | Cannot create an auxiliary table for the specified column or partition because one already exists. |
-769 | 53096 | The specs for the CREATE AUX TABLE do not match the base table. |
-770 | 530A6 | The specified table must have a ROWID column before it can contain a LOB column. |
-771 | 428C7 | Invalid ROWID column specification. |
-797 | 42987 | The CREATE TRIGGER contains unsupported syntax. |
-798 | 428C9 | Cannot insert a value into a ROWID column defined with GENERATED ALWAYS. |
-802 | 22012 | Exception error has occurred for the specified operation. Divide by zero. |
22003 | Exception error has occurred for the specified operation. Other than divide by zero. | |
-803 | 23505 | Cannot insert row because it would violate the constraints of a unique index. |
-804 | 07002 | The call parameter list for the SQLDA is in error. |
-805 | 51002 | The DBRM or package name not found in plan. |
-807 | 23509 | Package not enabled for the named environment and connection. |
-808 | 08001 | The CONNECT statement is not consistent with the program's first CONNECT statement. |
-811 | 21000 | Must use a cursor when more than one row is returned as the result of an embedded select statement. |
-812 | 22508 | Collection-ID is blank in the CURRENT PACKAGESET; statement cannot be executed. |
-815 | 42920 | A GROUP BY or HAVING clause is implicitly or explicitly specified in an embedded select statement or a subquery of a basic predicate. |
-817 | 25000 | Execution of the SQL statement would result in a prohibited update to user data or the DB2 Catalog. |
-818 | 51003 | Plan <--> load module timestamp mismatch. The DBRM in the executing plan was not created from the same precompilation as the load module. |
-819 | 58004 | View cannot be recreated because the length of the parse tree stored in the DB2 Catalog is zero. |
-820 | 58004 | Invalid value encountered in DB2 Catalog for this DB2 release. |
-822 | 51004 | Invalid address encountered in the SQLDA. |
-840 | 54004 | Too many items returned in a select list or insert list. |
-842 | 08002 | A connection to the named location already exists. |
-843 | 08003 | The SET CONNECTION or RELEASE statement cannot be executed because the connection does not exist. |
-870 | 58026 | The number of host variable descriptors does not equal the number of host variables in the statement. |
-872 | 51032 | A valid CCSID has yet to be specified for this subsystem. |
-873 | 53090 | Cannot refer to a column defined in an ASCII table in the same SQL statement as a column defined in an EBCDIC table. |
-874 | 53091 | The encoding scheme for the specified object does not match the encoding scheme for its tablespace. |
-875 | 42988 | Specified operand cannot be used with ASCII data. |
-876 | 53092 | Object cannot be created for the specified reason; reason code provided. |
-877 | 53093 | ASCII not permitted for the database or tablespace; EBCDIC must be used. |
-878 | 53094 | This PLAN_TABLE cannot be ASCII; EBCDIC must be used. |
-879 | 53095 | The CREATE or ALTER statement for the specified object cannot define the column, distinct type, or parameter of a stored procedure or user-defined function parameter as MIXED DATA, GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, or LONG VARGRAPHIC because the system does not have an appropriate CCSID defined for the encoding scheme specified. |
-900 | 08003 | Application process is not connected to an application server; statement cannot be executed. |
-901 | 58004 | Intermittent system error encountered that does not inhibit subsequent SQL statements from being executed. |
-902 | 58005 | Internal control block pointer error; rebind required. |
-904 | 57011 | The specified resource is unavailable. |
-905 | 57014 | Resource limit has been exceeded. |
-906 | 51005 | SQL statement cannot be executed because of prior error. |
-908 | 23510 | Current Resource Limit Facility specification or Auto-Rebind system parameter does not permit the BIND, REBIND, or AUTO-REBIND. |
-909 | 57007 | The object has been deleted. |
-910 | 57007 | Cannot access an object for which a DROP is pending. |
-911 | 40001 | The current unit of work has been rolled back. |
-913 | 57033 | Unsuccessful execution caused by either a deadlock or a timeout. |
-917 | 42969 | Bind package has failed. |
-918 | 51021 | SQL statement cannot be executed because connection was lost. |
-919 | 56045 | A ROLLBACK is required. |
-922 | 42505 | Connection authorization failure. Attempting to access DB2 from TSO, CICS, or IMS, and appropriate attachment facility is inactive. |
-923 | 57015 | Connection not established because DB2 is unavailable. |
-924 | 58006 | DB2 internal connection error encountered; reason code provided. |
-925 | 2D521 | The SQL COMMIT statement cannot be issued from CICS or IMS/TM. |
-926 | 2D521 | The SQL ROLLBACK statement cannot be issued from CICS or IMS/TM. |
-927 | 51006 | The language interface was called when the connecting environment was not established. Invoke the program using the DSN command. |
-929 | 58002 | Data capture exit has failed. (DPROP) |
-939 | 51021 | Rollback is required due to unrequested rollback of a remote server. |
-947 | 56038 | SQL statement failed because update cannot be propagated. (DPROP) |
-948 | 56062 | DDF not started; distributed operation is invalid. |
-950 | 42705 | Location specified in the SQL statement not defined in SYSIBM.LOCATIONS. |
-965 | 51021 | Stored procedure terminated abnormally (prior to DB2 Version 6). |
-981 | 57015 | Attempt to execute SQL in the RRSAF when it was not in a state to allow SQL. |
-991 | 57015 | Call attach was not able to establish an implicit connect or open to DB2. |
-2001 | 53089 | Number of host variable parameters specified for a stored procedure does not equal the expected number of parameters. |
-20003 | 560A7 | Cannot specify GBPCACHE NONE for tablespace or index in GRECP. |
-20004 | 560A8 | 8KB or 16KB bufferpool page size is invalid for a WORKFILE object. |
-20005 | 54035 | The internal ID limit has been exceeded for the specified object type. |
-20006 | 53097 | A LOB cannot be specified as a parameter when no WLM environment is specified. |
-20070 | 53098 | Cannot create an auxiliary table for a non-LOB column. |
-20071 | 53099 | Must specify the WLM environment name. |
-20072 | 56052 | Specified authid does not possess the needed authority to perform the BIND on the trigger package. |
-20073 | 42927 | Cannot alter the named function as specified because it is referenced in existing view definitions. |
-20074 | 42939 | The specified object cannot be created because "SYS" is a reserved prefix. |
-20100 | 56059 | BIND error in triggered SQL statement; SQLCODE and SQLSTATE of the error is specified. |
-20101 | 56059 | The function failed for the specified reason code. |
-20102 | 42849 | Cannot use the specified option in the CREATE or ALTER FUNCTION statement. |
-20104 | 42856 | Failed attempt to alter a CCSID. |
-20106 | 42945 | Cannot change the CCSID for the tablespace or database because of existing view references. |
-30000 | 58008 | DRDA distribution protocol error; processing can continue. |
-30002 | 57057 | A distributed client using DRDA chained an OPEN statement to a PREPARE, but the PREPARE received a SQLCODE +495 warning. |
-30020 | 58009 | DRDA distribution protocol error; conversation deallocated. |
-30021 | 58010 | DRDA distribution protocol error; processing cannot continue. |
-30030 | 58013 | Distribution protocol violation; COMMIT unsuccessful, conversation deallocated. (AS) |
-30040 | 57012 | Execution failed due to unavailable resource(s); processing can continue. (AS) |
-30041 | 57013 | Execution failed due to unavailable resource(s); processing cannot successfully continue. |
-30050 | 58011 | Execution unsuccessful; statement cannot be executed during the BIND process. |
-30051 | 58012 | Failure caused by specific BIND process not being active. (Remote BIND) |
-30052 | 42932 | Program preparation assumption incorrect. |
-30053 | 42506 | Authorization failure encountered for package owner. |
-30060 | 08004 | Authorization failure encountered for RDB. |
-30061 | 08004 | Invalid or non-existent RDB specified. |
-30070 | 58014 | Target subsystem does not support this command. |
-30071 | 58015 | Target subsystem does not support this object. |
-30072 | 58016 | Target subsystem does not support this parameter. |
-30073 | 58017 | Target subsystem does not support this parameter value. |
-30074 | 58018 | Reply message not supported. |
-30080 | 08001 | SNA communication error. |
-30081 | 58019 | TCP/IP communication error. |
-30082 | 08001 | Communication failed due to security violation; reason code provided. |
-30090 | 25000 | Specified operation invalid for remote execution. |
-30104 | 56095 | Error in bind option and bind value. |
-30105 | 56096 | The specified bind options are incompatible. |
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