Recently I've been contemplating to create a new App with the true "Android Design",new Android Design does not mean Theme.holo(which was added it api level 14,android 4.0), and I found a website in which android design is carefully talked about

Now look at the picture below, it's google's official Android Developers website,except the addition of "Design" tag, in which you can find android official given "colors , patterns " and other design principles, you can also find a"Training " label , there you can find an easy and new access to write a brand new app according with the latest android design elements such as Action Bar,Drawer...etc. 

Here I want to make a list of the training program,although I know it's surplus,superfluous..It kind of help me remember when I need'em.

Building your first app

Add the action bar

Support different devices

Managing the activity lifestyle

Building a dynamic UI with fragments

Saving data

Interaciting with other apps

(Many Sub-contents are omitted)


Building Apps with Content Sharing

Building Apps with Multimedia

Building Apps with Graphics & Animation

Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud

Building Apps with  User Info and Location


Best Practices for User Interface

Best Practices for User Input

Best Practices for Background Jobs

Best Practices for Performance

Best Practices for Security & Privacy

Best Practices for Testing


Using Google Play to Distribute & Monetize

Android Developers - Training的更多相关文章

  1. 【Android Developers Training】 9. 覆盖于布局之上的Action Bar

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  2. 【Android Developers Training】 8. 定义Action Bar风格

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  3. 【Android Developers Training】 7. 添加Action Buttons

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  4. 【Android Developers Training】 6. 配置Action Bar

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  5. 【Android Developers Training】 5. 序言:添加Action Bar

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  6. 【Android Developers Training】 4. 启动另一个Activity

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  7. 【Android Developers Training】 3. 构建一个简单UI

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  8. 【Android Developers Training】 0. 序言:构建你的第一个应用

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  9. 【Android Developers Training】 2. 运行你的应用

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...

  10. 【Android Developers Training】 1. 创建一个Android项目工程

    注:本文翻译自Google官方的Android Developers Training文档,译者技术一般,由于喜爱安卓而产生了翻译的念头,纯属个人兴趣爱好. 原文链接:http://developer ...


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