Olympic Class Ships【奥林匹克级邮轮】
Olympic Class Ships
You probably know about the Titanic, but it was actually just noe of three state-of-the
art ocean ships back in the day.
The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland
for the White Star Line company.
The Olympic class included the Olympic, the Britannic and the Titanic.
What you may not know is that the Titanic wasn't even the flagship of this class.
All in all, the Olympic class ships were marvels of sea engineering, but they seemed
cursed to suffer disastrous fates.
The Olympic launched first in 1910, followed by the Titanic in 1911, and lastly the Britannic in 1914.
The ships had nine decks, and White Star Line decided to focus on making them the
most luxurious ships on the water.
Stretching 269.13 meters, the Olympic class ships were wonders of naval technology,
and everyone thought that they would continue to be so for quite some time.
However, all suffered terrible accidents on the open seas.
The Olympic got wreaked before the Titanic did, but it was the only one to survive and
maintain a successful career of 24 years.
The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912.
Following this disaster, the Britannic hit a naval mine in 1916 and subsequently sank as well.
Each ship was coal-powered by several boilers constantly kept running by exhausted crews below deck.
Most recognizable of the ship designs are the ship's smoke stacks, but the fourth stack was
actually just artistic in nature and served no functional purposes.
While two of these ships sank, they were all designed with double hulls believed to make
them "unsinkable", perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic's and the Britannic's tragic end.
The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship
and troop transport in World War I.
Eventually, she was taken out of service in 1935, ending the ear of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners.
1、state-of-the-art 最先进的
2、marvel wonder 奇迹
marvel : n.奇迹
marvelous :(causing wonder)令人惊奇的
marvel : v.对、、、感到惊讶
例:He marlveled at the museum exhibits and uttered a cry of amazement.
3、stretch : 延伸;伸展;舒展(extend,cover)
例:Her long hair stretched to her waist.
撑大拉长(make something bigger/larger)
4、subsequently : 随后;后来;之后;接着
later on / afterwards
5、recognizable 可辨认的;可以出的
6、a mistaken idea 错误的想法
7、out of service 退役
in service(可用的) :be able to work
ornamental : 观赏性 的
8、back in the day 当时
9、all in all /in the whole 总的来说
10、suffer disastrous fate 遭受灾难性的命运
11、maintain a successful career 持续了成功的生涯
12、serve no functional purposes 没有功能用途
13、lead to the tragic end 导致、、、的悲剧结局
单词 | 释意 | 单词 | 释意 |
marvels | n.不平凡的成果,奇迹 | engineering | n.工程;工程学 |
cursed | adj.被诅咒的 | launched | v.发射;开展 |
technology | n.科技;技术;工艺 | naval | adj.海军的;军舰的 |
wonder | n.奇观 | wreaked | v.诉诸(武力),施行(暴力) |
career | n.职业;生涯;经历 | maintain | v.维持;供养 |
disaster | n.天灾;灾难 | several | adj.各自的;分别得;det.若干 |
boilers | 锅炉 | constantly | adv.始终;一直 |
smoke stack | 大烟囱 | functional | adj.功能性的 |
hulls | n.船身;外壳 | ocean liner | 远洋客轮 |
era | n.时代;年代 | subsequently | adv.随后;后来 |
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