


2.输出∑​a_i ( l <= i <= r )


#define R register int
#define ls (tr<<1)
#define rs (tr<<1|1)
const int M=;
using namespace std;
inline long long g() {
register long long ret=,fix=; register char ch; while(!isdigit(ch=getchar())) fix=ch=='-'?-:fix;
do ret=ret*+(ch^); while(isdigit(ch=getchar())); return ret*fix;
int n,m;
long long sum[],mx[],cnt[];
inline void upd(int tr) {sum[tr]=sum[ls]+sum[rs]; mx[tr]=max(mx[ls],mx[rs]);}
inline void calc() {for(R i=;i<=M;++i) for(R j=;i*j<=M;++j) ++cnt[i*j];}
inline void build(int tr,int l,int r) {
if(l==r) {mx[tr]=sum[tr]=g(); return ;}
R md=(l+r)>>; build(ls,l,md),build(rs,md+,r); upd(tr);
inline void change(int tr,int l,int r,int LL,int RR) {
if(mx[tr]<=) return ;
if(l==r) {sum[tr]=mx[tr]=cnt[sum[tr]]; return ;}
R md=(l+r)>>;
if(LL>md) change(rs,md+,r,LL,RR);
else if(RR<md+) change(ls,l,md,LL,RR);
else change(ls,l,md,LL,md),change(rs,md+,r,md+,RR); upd(tr);
inline long long query(int tr,int l,int r,int LL,int RR) {
if(l==LL&&r==RR) return sum[tr];
R md=(l+r)>>;
if(LL>md) return query(rs,md+,r,LL,RR);
else if(RR<md+) return query(ls,l,md,LL,RR);
else return query(ls,l,md,LL,md)+query(rs,md+,r,md+,RR);
signed main() {
n=g(),m=g(); calc(); build(,,n);
for(R i=,k,l,r;i<=m;++i) {
if(k==) change(,,n,l,r);
else printf("%lld\n",query(,,n,l,r));


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