上节给大家把sentinel流控整个执行大致过了,但涉及到最核心的流控算法还没有讲,先提前说明一下 sentinel用的流控算法是令牌桶算法,参考了Guava的RateLimiter,有读过RateLimiter源码再理解sentinel限流算法会更容易,本节依然以源码为主给大家拨开sentinel流控算法的原理
public class FlowSlot extends AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<DefaultNode> { private final FlowRuleChecker checker; public FlowSlot() {
this(new FlowRuleChecker());
} FlowSlot(FlowRuleChecker checker) {
AssertUtil.notNull(checker, "flow checker should not be null");
this.checker = checker;
} @Override
public void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, DefaultNode node, int count,
boolean prioritized, Object... args) throws Throwable {
checkFlow(resourceWrapper, context, node, count, prioritized); fireEntry(context, resourceWrapper, node, count, prioritized, args);
} void checkFlow(ResourceWrapper resource, Context context, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized)
throws BlockException {
checker.checkFlow(ruleProvider, resource, context, node, count, prioritized);
} public class FlowRuleChecker { public void checkFlow(Function<String, Collection<FlowRule>> ruleProvider, ResourceWrapper resource,
Context context, DefaultNode node, int count, boolean prioritized) throws BlockException {
if (ruleProvider == null || resource == null) {
// 拿到当前资源对应的流控规则
Collection<FlowRule> rules = ruleProvider.apply(resource.getName());
if (rules != null) {
for (FlowRule rule : rules) {
if (!canPassCheck(rule, context, node, count, prioritized)) {
throw new FlowException(rule.getLimitApp(), rule);
} public boolean canPassCheck(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node,
int acquireCount) {
return canPassCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, false);
} public boolean canPassCheck(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
boolean prioritized) {
String limitApp = rule.getLimitApp();
// 对应控制台配置的来源
if (limitApp == null) {
return true;
if (rule.isClusterMode()) {
// 集群模式校验
return passClusterCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);
// 本地应用校验
return passLocalCheck(rule, context, node, acquireCount, prioritized);
} private static boolean passLocalCheck(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node, int acquireCount,
boolean prioritized) {
// 针对配置的流控模式拿到对应的node
Node selectedNode = selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy(rule, context, node);
if (selectedNode == null) {
return true;
// 针对配置的流控效果来作校验
return rule.getRater().canPass(selectedNode, acquireCount, prioritized);
} static Node selectNodeByRequesterAndStrategy(/*@NonNull*/ FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node) {
String limitApp = rule.getLimitApp();
int strategy = rule.getStrategy();
String origin = context.getOrigin(); if (limitApp.equals(origin) && filterOrigin(origin)) {
if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
// 配置的来源和当前相同 流控模式为直接
return context.getOriginNode();
} return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);
} else if (RuleConstant.LIMIT_APP_DEFAULT.equals(limitApp)) {
if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
// 配置来源为default 流控模式为直接
return node.getClusterNode();
} return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);
} else if (RuleConstant.LIMIT_APP_OTHER.equals(limitApp)
&& FlowRuleManager.isOtherOrigin(origin, rule.getResource())) {
if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_DIRECT) {
// 配置来源为other 流控模式为直接
return context.getOriginNode();
} return selectReferenceNode(rule, context, node);
} return null;
} static Node selectReferenceNode(FlowRule rule, Context context, DefaultNode node) {
// 关联资源
String refResource = rule.getRefResource();
int strategy = rule.getStrategy(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(refResource)) {
return null;
// 流控模式为关联
if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_RELATE) {
return ClusterBuilderSlot.getClusterNode(refResource);
// 流控模式为链路
if (strategy == RuleConstant.STRATEGY_CHAIN) {
if (!refResource.equals(context.getName())) {
return null;
return node;
// No node.
return null;
- 快速失败(DefaultController):如果是限制qps会抛出异常,线程数返回false不通过
- Warm Up(WarmUpController):预热,防止流量突然暴增,导致系统负载过重,有时候系统设置的最大负载是在理想状态达到的,当系统长时间处于冷却状态 需要通过一定时间的预热才能达到最大负载,比如跟数据库建立连接
- 排队等待(RateLimiterController):当前没有足够的令牌通过,会进行睡眠等待,直接能拿到足够的令牌数
- WarmUpRateLimiterController:第二种和第三种的结合
public class DefaultController implements TrafficShapingController { private static final int DEFAULT_AVG_USED_TOKENS = 0; //阀值
private double count; // 1=qps,0=ThreadNum
private int grade; public DefaultController(double count, int grade) {
this.count = count;
this.grade = grade;
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount) {
return canPass(node, acquireCount, false);
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
// 获取当前node的ThreadNum或QPS
int curCount = avgUsedTokens(node);
if (curCount + acquireCount > count) {
// 设置当前流量为优先级和流控模式为QPS
if (prioritized && grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_QPS) {
long currentTime;
long waitInMs;
currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
// 算出拿到当前令牌数的等待时间(ms)
waitInMs = node.tryOccupyNext(currentTime, acquireCount, count);
// OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout = 500ms
// 如果流量具有优先级,会获取未来的令牌数
if (waitInMs < OccupyTimeoutProperty.getOccupyTimeout()) {
// 添加占用未来的QPS,会调用OccupiableBucketLeapArray.addWaiting(long time, int acquireCount)
node.addWaitingRequest(currentTime + waitInMs, acquireCount);
sleep(waitInMs); // PriorityWaitException indicates that the request will pass after waiting for {@link @waitInMs}.
throw new PriorityWaitException(waitInMs);
// 控制的是线程数返回false
return false;
return true;
} private int avgUsedTokens(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
return grade == RuleConstant.FLOW_GRADE_THREAD ? node.curThreadNum() : (int)(node.passQps());
} private void sleep(long timeMillis) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore.
在上节讲滑动窗口的时候,还有一个秒维度的窗口OccupiableBucketLeapArray没有讲解,它同样继承LeapArray,但它还有额外的概念 未来占用,在DefaultController中当前令牌数不够并且流量具有优先级,那么会提前获取未来的令牌,因为阀值固定每秒能获取的令牌数也固定,既然占用了未来的令牌数,那等到时间到了这个未来时间点,当前可获取的令牌数=阀值—之前占用的令牌
public class OccupiableBucketLeapArray extends LeapArray<MetricBucket> { private final FutureBucketLeapArray borrowArray; public OccupiableBucketLeapArray(int sampleCount, int intervalInMs) {
// This class is the original "CombinedBucketArray".
super(sampleCount, intervalInMs);
this.borrowArray = new FutureBucketLeapArray(sampleCount, intervalInMs);
} @Override
// LeapArray.currentWindow(long timeMillis)添加新窗口时会调用
public MetricBucket newEmptyBucket(long time) {
MetricBucket newBucket = new MetricBucket();
// 已被之前占用,将之前占用的数据添加到当前新的窗口中
MetricBucket borrowBucket = borrowArray.getWindowValue(time);
if (borrowBucket != null) {
} return newBucket;
} @Override
protected WindowWrap<MetricBucket> resetWindowTo(WindowWrap<MetricBucket> w, long time) {
// Update the start time and reset value.
// 重置时当前窗口数据时,也需要考虑被之前占用的情况
MetricBucket borrowBucket = borrowArray.getWindowValue(time);
if (borrowBucket != null) {
} else {
} return w;
} @Override
public long currentWaiting() {
// 获取当前时间被之前占用的qps
long currentWaiting = 0;
List<MetricBucket> list = borrowArray.values(); for (MetricBucket window : list) {
currentWaiting += window.pass();
return currentWaiting;
} @Override
public void addWaiting(long time, int acquireCount) {
// 添加到未来窗口
WindowWrap<MetricBucket> window = borrowArray.currentWindow(time);
window.value().add(MetricEvent.PASS, acquireCount);
public class RateLimiterController implements TrafficShapingController { // 最大等待时间
private final int maxQueueingTimeMs;
// 阀值
private final double count; // 最新一次拿令牌的时间
private final AtomicLong latestPassedTime = new AtomicLong(-1); public RateLimiterController(int timeOut, double count) {
this.maxQueueingTimeMs = timeOut;
this.count = count;
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount) {
return canPass(node, acquireCount, false);
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
// Pass when acquire count is less or equal than 0.
if (acquireCount <= 0) {
return true;
// Reject when count is less or equal than 0.
// Otherwise,the costTime will be max of long and waitTime will overflow in some cases.
if (count <= 0) {
return false;
} long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
// 计算获取acquireCount需要多少毫秒
long costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / count * 1000); // 预期获取令牌的时间
long expectedTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get(); // 如果小于当前时间 则直接返回
if (expectedTime <= currentTime) {
// Contention may exist here, but it's okay.
return true;
} else {
// 否则进行等待
// Calculate the time to wait.
long waitTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get() - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTime > maxQueueingTimeMs) {
return false;
} else {
// oldTime 为当前拿到令牌的时长 是更新后的值
long oldTime = latestPassedTime.addAndGet(costTime);
try {
waitTime = oldTime - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTime > maxQueueingTimeMs) {
return false;
// in race condition waitTime may <= 0
if (waitTime > 0) {
return true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
} }
public class WarmUpController implements TrafficShapingController { // qps阈值
protected double count;
// 负载因子 用来控制预热速度 默认为3
private int coldFactor;
// 进入冷却状态的警戒线
protected int warningToken = 0;
// 最大的令牌数
private int maxToken;
// 斜率
protected double slope; // 当前令牌容量
protected AtomicLong storedTokens = new AtomicLong(0);
// 上一次添加令牌时间
protected AtomicLong lastFilledTime = new AtomicLong(0); public WarmUpController(double count, int warmUpPeriodInSec, int coldFactor) {
construct(count, warmUpPeriodInSec, coldFactor);
} public WarmUpController(double count, int warmUpPeriodInSec) {
construct(count, warmUpPeriodInSec, 3);
} private void construct(double count, int warmUpPeriodInSec, int coldFactor) { if (coldFactor <= 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cold factor should be larger than 1");
} this.count = count; this.coldFactor = coldFactor; // thresholdPermits = 0.5 * warmupPeriod / stableInterval.
// warningToken = 100;
warningToken = (int)(warmUpPeriodInSec * count) / (coldFactor - 1);
// / maxPermits = thresholdPermits + 2 * warmupPeriod /
// (stableInterval + coldInterval)
// maxToken = 200
maxToken = warningToken + (int)(2 * warmUpPeriodInSec * count / (1.0 + coldFactor)); // slope
// slope = (coldIntervalMicros - stableIntervalMicros) / (maxPermits- thresholdPermits);
slope = (coldFactor - 1.0) / count / (maxToken - warningToken); } @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount) {
return canPass(node, acquireCount, false);
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
// 当前窗口通过的qps
long passQps = (long) node.passQps(); // 上一个窗口的qps
long previousQps = (long) node.previousPassQps();
// 更新当前令牌数
syncToken(previousQps); // 开始计算它的斜率
// 如果进入了警戒线,开始调整他的qps
long restToken = storedTokens.get();
if (restToken >= warningToken) {
long aboveToken = restToken - warningToken;
// 消耗的速度要比warning快,但是要比慢
// current interval = restToken*slope+1/count 算出当前进入预热状态能得到最大的qps
double warningQps = Math.nextUp(1.0 / (aboveToken * slope + 1.0 / count));
if (passQps + acquireCount <= warningQps) {
return true;
} else {
if (passQps + acquireCount <= count) {
// 这里之所以用count来判断而不是storedTokens来,是因为storedTokens是每次添加都是以count倍速来添加 count自然不会大过storedTokens
return true;
} return false;
} protected void syncToken(long passQps) {
long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
// 因为每一个秒维度的总窗口间隔为1s,减去当前时间的毫秒数 即可得到当前窗口的开始时间
currentTime = currentTime - currentTime % 1000;
long oldLastFillTime = lastFilledTime.get();
if (currentTime <= oldLastFillTime) {
// 说明还处于当前窗口
// 进入到这里代表第一次进入新的窗口 需要添加当前令牌容量
// 令牌数量的旧值
long oldValue = storedTokens.get();
// 算出新的令牌数 旧值+(根据上一个窗口的qps 算出从上次添加令牌的时间到当前时间需要添加的令牌数)
long newValue = coolDownTokens(currentTime, passQps); if (storedTokens.compareAndSet(oldValue, newValue)) {
// 减去上个窗口的qps,然后设置storedTokens最新值
long currentValue = storedTokens.addAndGet(0 - passQps);
if (currentValue < 0) {
} } private long coolDownTokens(long currentTime, long passQps) {
long oldValue = storedTokens.get();
long newValue = oldValue; // 添加令牌的判断前提条件:
// 当令牌的消耗程度远远低于警戒线的时候
if (oldValue < warningToken) {
// 当前令牌数小于警戒值 可正常添加令牌 这里只是添加令牌 并不考虑添加令牌后大于warningToken情况,因为后面拿令牌还会重新判断
// currentTime - lastFilledTime.get() = 与上一次添加令牌间隔多少毫秒
newValue = (long)(oldValue + (currentTime - lastFilledTime.get()) * count / 1000);
} else if (oldValue > warningToken) {
// 如果当前passQps > (count / coldFactor) 也就是说当前系统消耗令牌速度大于冷却速度 则不需要继续添加令牌
if (passQps < (int)count / coldFactor) {
// 如果消耗速度小于冷却速度 则正常添加令牌
newValue = (long)(oldValue + (currentTime - lastFilledTime.get()) * count / 1000);
return Math.min(newValue, maxToken);
} }
先根据当前窗口时间间隔时间添加令牌数,正常情况是以count*(last interval second) 来添加令牌数,
如果添加令牌的时候当前令牌容量已经达到警戒值,需要根据当前窗口passqps来判断 当前系统消耗令牌的速率是否大于冷却速率(也就是系统负载状态不需要再进行预热),大于冷却速率则不需要继续添加令牌
添加完令牌后减去上一个窗口的qps得到最新的令牌数, 再判断最新令牌数是否到了警戒值,到了警戒值,通过slope算出目前窗口能得到最大的qps,passQps+acquireCount 不允许大于它
我们再简单说说 Guava 的 SmoothWarmingUp 和 Sentinel 的 WarmupController 的区别
Guava在于控制获取令牌的速度,根据时间推进增加令牌,通过当前令牌容量判断获取令牌下一个时间点,如当前令牌容量超过了阀值 会进行预热 增加等待时长
看完RateLimiterController WarmUpController实现后,再来看这个就非常简单了,看名称就知道是它两的结合
public class WarmUpRateLimiterController extends WarmUpController { private final int timeoutInMs;
private final AtomicLong latestPassedTime = new AtomicLong(-1); public WarmUpRateLimiterController(double count, int warmUpPeriodSec, int timeOutMs, int coldFactor) {
super(count, warmUpPeriodSec, coldFactor);
this.timeoutInMs = timeOutMs;
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount) {
return canPass(node, acquireCount, false);
} @Override
public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
long previousQps = (long) node.previousPassQps();
syncToken(previousQps); long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); long restToken = storedTokens.get();
long costTime = 0;
long expectedTime = 0;
if (restToken >= warningToken) {
// 在预热范围拿到的token
long aboveToken = restToken - warningToken; // current interval = restToken*slope+1/count
double warmingQps = Math.nextUp(1.0 / (aboveToken * slope + 1.0 / count));
costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / warmingQps * 1000);
} else {
costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / count * 1000);
// 拿到令牌的时间
expectedTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get(); if (expectedTime <= currentTime) {
return true;
} else {
long waitTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get() - currentTime;
if (waitTime > timeoutInMs) {
return false;
} else {
long oldTime = latestPassedTime.addAndGet(costTime);
try {
waitTime = oldTime - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
if (waitTime > timeoutInMs) {
return false;
if (waitTime > 0) {
return true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
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前言 一个老掉牙的话题,园子里的相关优秀文章已经有很多了,我写这篇文章完全是想以自己的思维方式来谈一谈自己的理解.(PS:文中涉及到了大量反编译源码,需要静下心来细细品味) 从简单开始 为了更容易理解 ...
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概述 Ice是一个开源的综合性RPC框架,以高性能和原生支持微服务的架构而著称.提供了很多可以直接使用的组件,如注册中心IceGrid,部署工具IcePatch2,防火墙穿透Glacier2,发布订阅 ...
- Py-解决粘包现象,tcp实现并发,tcp实现传输文件的程序,校验思路,线程与进程
黏包现象 TCP粘包就是指发送方发送的若干包数据到达接收方时粘成了一包,从接收缓冲区来看,后一包数据的头紧接着前一包数据的尾,出现粘包的原因是多方面的,可能是来自发送方,也可能是来自接收方TCP接收到 ...