Python Ethical Hacking - VULNERABILITY SCANNER(1)
- The user clicks on a link.
- HTML website generates a request(client-side)
- The request is sent to the server.
- The server performs the requests(server-side)
- Sends response back.
Two main methods used to send data to the web application:
1. Through the URL(Usually using GET).
2. Through input elements(Usually using POST).
a. Search boxes.
b. Login boxes.
c. ..etc.
Target website:
#!/usr/bin/env python import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin def request(url):
return requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
pass target_url = ""
response = request(target_url) parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(response.content.decode())
forms_list = parsed_html.findAll("form") for form in forms_list:
action = form.get("action")
post_url = urljoin(target_url, action)
method = form.get("method") inputs_list = form.findAll("input")
post_data = {}
for input in inputs_list:
input_name = input.get("name")
input_type = input.get("type")
input_value = input.get("value")
if input_type == "text":
input_value = "test" post_data[input_name] = input_value
result =, data=post_data)
Run the Python Code successfully.
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