
  1. create table hy_student(
  2. id number(4,0) primary key,
  3. name nvarchar2(20) not null,
  4. score number(3,0) not null)


  1. insert into hy_student
  2. select rownum,dbms_random.string('*',dbms_random.value(1,20)),dbms_random.value(0,100)
  3. from dual
  4. connect by level<201
  5. order by dbms_random.random


  1. select * from hy_student order by score desc


  1. select rownum as rn,a.* from (select * from hy_student order by score desc) a


  1. select b.* from (select rownum as rn,a.* from (select * from hy_student order by score desc) a) b where b.rn<= (select count(*) from hy_student)/10




  1. create table hy_student(
  2. id number(4,0) primary key,
  3. name nvarchar2(20) not null,
  4. score number(3,0) not null)
  6. insert into hy_student
  7. select rownum,dbms_random.string('*',dbms_random.value(1,20)),dbms_random.value(0,100)
  8. from dual
  9. connect by level<201
  10. order by dbms_random.random
  12. commit;
  14. select * from hy_student order by score desc
  16. select rownum as rn,a.* from (select * from hy_student order by score desc) a
  18. select b.* from (select rownum as rn,a.* from (select * from hy_student order by score desc) a) b where b.rn<= (select count(*) from hy_student)/10

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