Fedora version history

Version (Code name)[1] Release[1] End-of-life[2] Kernel[3][a] GNOME[3]
1 (Yarrow) 2003-11-05 2004-09-20 2.4.22 2.4
2 (Tettnang) 2004-05-18 2005-04-11 2.6.5 2.6
3 (Heidelberg) 2004-11-08 2006-01-16 2.6.9 2.8
4 (Stentz) 2005-06-13 2006-08-07 2.6.11 2.10
5 (Bordeaux) 2006-03-20 2007-07-02 2.6.15 2.14
6 (Zod) 2006-10-24 2007-12-07 2.6.18 2.16
7 (Moonshine) 2007-05-31 2008-06-13 2.6.21 2.18
8 (Werewolf) 2007-11-08 2009-01-07 2.6.23 2.20
9 (Sulphur) 2008-05-13 2009-07-10 2.6.25 2.22
10 (Cambridge) 2008-11-25 2009-12-18 2.6.27 2.24
11 (Leonidas) 2009-06-09 2010-06-25 2.6.29 2.26
12 (Constantine) 2009-11-17 2010-12-02 2.6.31 2.28
13 (Goddard) 2010-05-25 2011-06-24 2.6.33 2.30
14 (Laughlin) 2010-11-02 2011-12-08 2.6.35 2.32
15 (Lovelock) 2011-05-24 2012-06-26 2.6.38 3.0
16 (Verne) 2011-11-08 2013-02-12 3.1 3.2
17 (Beefy Miracle) 2012-05-29 2013-07-30 3.3 3.4
18 (Spherical Cow) 2013-01-15 2014-01-14 3.6 3.6
19 (Schrödinger's Cat) 2013-07-02 2015-01-06 3.9 3.8
20 (Heisenbug) 2013-12-17 2015-06-23 3.11 3.10
21[5] 2014-12-09 2015-12-01 3.17 3.14
22 2015-05-26 2016-07-19 4.0 3.16
23 2015-11-03 2016-12-20 4.2 3.18
24 2016-06-21 2017-08-08 4.5 3.20
25 2016-11-22 2017-12-12 4.8 3.22
26 2017-07-11 2018-05-29 4.11 3.24
27 2017-11-14 2018-11-30 4.13 3.26
28 2018-05-01 2019-05-28 4.16 3.28
29 2018-10-30[6] 2019-11-26 4.18 3.30
30 2019-05-07[7] 2020-05-26 5.0 3.32
31 2019-10-29[8] N/A 5.3 3.34
32 2020-04-28[9] N/A 5.6 3.36
33 2020-10-20[10] N/A N/A N/A
34 2021-04-20[11] N/A N/A N/A
Old version
Older version, still maintained
Latest version
Future release
  1. ^ At the time of release. Supported releases are often updated to the latest stable version of the Linux kernel.[4]

Releases of Red Hat Linux are listed here.

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