gRPC Client Middleware.
/// <summary>
/// Built pipeline for gRPC
/// </summary>
public class Pipeline
private PipelineDelagate processChain; internal Pipeline(PipelineDelagate middlewareChain)
processChain = middlewareChain;
} internal Task RunPipeline(MiddlewareContext context)
return processChain(context);
/// <summary>
/// PipelineBuilder
/// </summary>
public class PipelineBuilder
private List<Func<PipelineDelagate, PipelineDelagate>> middlewares = new List<Func<PipelineDelagate, PipelineDelagate>>(); /// <summary>
/// Add a middleware
/// </summary>
public PipelineBuilder Use(Func<PipelineDelagate, PipelineDelagate> middleware)
return this;
} /// <summary>
/// Use
/// </summary>
public PipelineBuilder Use<T>(params object[] args)
middlewares.Add(d => WrapClass<T>(d, args));
return this;
} /// <summary>
/// UseWhen
/// </summary>
public PipelineBuilder UseWhen<T>(Func<MiddlewareContext, bool> condition, params object[] args)
middlewares.Add(d =>
return async ctx => { if (condition(ctx)) { await WrapClass<T>(d, args)(ctx); } };
return this;
} /// <summary>
/// Use
/// </summary>
public PipelineBuilder Use(Func<MiddlewareContext, PipelineDelagate, Task> middleware)
middlewares.Add(d =>
return ctx => { return middleware(ctx, d); };
return this;
} private PipelineDelagate WrapClass<T>(PipelineDelagate next, params object[] args)
var ctorArgs = new object[args.Length + 1];
ctorArgs[0] = next;
Array.Copy(args, 0, ctorArgs, 1, args.Length);
var type = typeof(T);
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, ctorArgs);
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Invoke");
return (PipelineDelagate)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(PipelineDelagate), instance);
} /// <summary>
/// Build
/// </summary>
public Pipeline Build()
PipelineDelagate pipeline = ExecuteMainHandler;
foreach (var middleware in middlewares)
pipeline = middleware(pipeline);
return new Pipeline(pipeline);
} internal static Task ExecuteMainHandler(MiddlewareContext context)
return context.HandlerExecutor();
MiddlewareContext 和 委托定义
/// <summary>
/// MiddlewareContext
/// </summary>
public class MiddlewareContext
public IMethod Method { get; set; } public object Request { get; set; } public object Response { get; set; } public string Host { get; set; } public CallOptions Options { get; set; } internal Func<Task> HandlerExecutor { get; set; }
} public delegate Task PipelineDelagate(MiddlewareContext context);
public sealed class MiddlewareCallInvoker : DefaultCallInvoker
private readonly Channel grpcChannel; private Pipeline MiddlewarePipeline { get; set; } public MiddlewareCallInvoker(Channel channel) : base(channel)
this.grpcChannel = channel;
} public MiddlewareCallInvoker(Channel channel, Pipeline pipeline) : this(channel)
this.MiddlewarePipeline = pipeline;
} private TResponse Call<TResponse>(Func<MiddlewareContext, TResponse> call, MiddlewareContext context)
{ TResponse response = default(TResponse);
if (MiddlewarePipeline != null)
context.HandlerExecutor = async () =>
response = await Task.FromResult(call(context));
context.Response = response;
response = call(context);
return response; } public override TResponse BlockingUnaryCall<TRequest, TResponse>(Method<TRequest, TResponse> method,
string host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)
return Call((context) => base.BlockingUnaryCall((Method<TRequest, TResponse>)context.Method, context.Host, context.Options, (TRequest)context.Request), new MiddlewareContext
Host = host,
Method = method,
Options = options,
Request = request,
Response = null
} public override AsyncUnaryCall<TResponse> AsyncUnaryCall<TRequest, TResponse>(
Method<TRequest, TResponse> method, string host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)
return Call((context) => base.AsyncUnaryCall((Method<TRequest, TResponse>)context.Method, context.Host, context.Options, (TRequest)context.Request), new MiddlewareContext
Host = host,
Method = method,
Options = options,
Request = request,
Response = null
} public override AsyncServerStreamingCall<TResponse> AsyncServerStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse>(Method<TRequest, TResponse> method, string host, CallOptions options,
TRequest request)
return Call((context) => base.AsyncServerStreamingCall((Method<TRequest, TResponse>)context.Method, context.Host, context.Options, (TRequest)context.Request), new MiddlewareContext
Host = host,
Method = method,
Options = options,
Request = request,
Response = null
} public override AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse> AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse>(Method<TRequest, TResponse> method, string host, CallOptions options)
return Call((context) => base.AsyncClientStreamingCall((Method<TRequest, TResponse>)context.Method, context.Host, context.Options), new MiddlewareContext
Host = host,
Method = method,
Options = options,
Request = null,
Response = null
} public override AsyncDuplexStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse> AsyncDuplexStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse>(Method<TRequest, TResponse> method, string host, CallOptions options)
return Call((context) => base.AsyncDuplexStreamingCall((Method<TRequest, TResponse>)context.Method, context.Host, context.Options), new MiddlewareContext
Host = host,
Method = method,
Options = options,
Request = null,
Response = null
var pipeline = new PipelineBuilder()
.Use<PolicyMiddleware>(new PolicyMiddlewareOptions
RetryTimes = 2,
TimoutMilliseconds = 100
//pipeline.Use<LoggingMiddleware>();// pipeline.UseWhen<LoggingMiddleware>(ctx => ctx.Context.Method.EndsWith("SayHello"));
//pipeline.Use<TimeoutMiddleware>(new TimeoutMiddlewareOptions { TimoutMilliseconds = 1000 });
//console logger
pipeline.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
await next(ctx);
}); Channel channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
MiddlewareCallInvoker callInvoker = new MiddlewareCallInvoker(channel, pipeline.Build()); var clientApi = new Get.GetClient(callInvoker); var replyApi = clientApi.SayHello(new ContractsSample1.HelloApiDemo.HelloRequest { Name = " APII" });
Console.WriteLine("Greeting: " + replyApi.Message);
public class LoggingMiddleware
private PipelineDelagate _next; public LoggingMiddleware(PipelineDelagate next)
_next = next;
} public async Task Invoke(MiddlewareContext context)
await _next(context);
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