#WEB安全基础 : HTML/CSS | 0x9美丽的饮料店
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <title>Head First Lounge</title> <link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "CSSdom/lounge.css"> <!--link标签用于调用外部css,type是文件类型这里是层叠样式表(也就是CSS),rel是html文件所链接的文件的关系,这里是链接到一个样式表--> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to the New and Impproved Head First Lounge</h1> <img src = "images/drinks.jpg" alt ="果汁" title = "果汁"> <p> A game of two of <em>Dance Dance Revolution.</em> </p> <p>Join us any evening for refershing <a href = "beverages/elixir.html" title ="elixirs" target = "_blank">elixirs</a> </p> <h2>Directions</h2> <p>You'll find us right the center of downtown Webbille. If you need help finding us, check out our <a href = "about/directions.html" title = "directions" target = "_blank">detailes directions</a> . Come join us! </p> </body> </html>
h1,h2{ font-family: sans-serif; color: gray; } h1{ border-bottom: 1px solid black; } p{ font-family: sans-serif; color: maroon; } em{ font-family: serif; /*我是CSS的注释,而且我是多行注释*/ } /*用em标签覆盖p标签的继承,这叫做覆盖继承,你会在浏览器里看到en标签显示的文本有点不一样*/ p.yellowtea { color: orange; } /* 用p.yellowtea,这个对有yellowtea类名的p标签有作用 用.yellowtea也可以,这个对所有有yellowtea类名的元素都起作用 */ p.blueberry{ color: blue; } p.cranberry{ color: yellow; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <title>Head First Lounge Elixirs</title> </head> <link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "../CSSdom/lounge.css"> <!--link标签用于调用外部css,type是文件类型这里是层叠样式表(也就是CSS),rel是html文件所链接的文件的关系,这里是链接到一个样式表--> <body> <h1>Our Elixirs</h1> <h2>Yellow Tea Cooler</h2> <img src = "../images/yellow.jpg" width = "100" height = "100"> <!--../是父目录,width是图片长度,height是图片宽度--> <p class = "yellowtea"> Chock full of vitamins and mineral, this elixir comblines the herlthful benefits of yellow tea with a twist of chamorimile biossoms and ginger root. </p> <h2>Resberry Ice Concentration</h2> <img src = "../images/red.jpg" width = "100" height = "100"> <p> Concentration resberry juice grass, citrus peel and roschips, this icy drink will mack your mind feel clear and crisp. </p> <h2>Blueberry Bliss Elixir</h2> <img src = "../images/blue.jpg" width = "100" height = "100"> <p class = "blueberry"> Blueberry and chreey essence mixed into a base of elderflower herb tea will put you in a relexd state of bliss in no time. </p> <h2>Cranberry Antioxdant Blast</h2> <img src = "../images/lightyellow.jpg" width = "100" height = "100"> <p class = "cranberry"> Wake up to the flavors of cranberry and hibiscus in this vitamin C rich elixir. </p> <p> <a href = "../index.html" title = "回到主页面">回到主页面</a> </p> </body> </html> <!--元素可以定义多个类,如: <p class = "greenberry yellowberry bluwberry"></p> -->
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <title>Head First Lounge Directions</title> </head> <link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "../CSSdom/lounge.css"> <!--link标签用于调用外部css,type是文件类型这里是层叠样式表(也就是CSS),rel是html文件所链接的文件的关系,这里是链接到一个样式表--> <body> <h1>Directions</h1> <p> Take the 305 S exit to Webville - go 0.4 mi </p> <p> Continue on 305 - go 12 mi </p> <p> Turn right at Structure A ve N - go 0.6 mi </p> <p> Turn right and head toward Structure A ve N - go 0.0 mi </p> <p> Turn right at Structure A ve N - go 0.7 mi </p> <p> Continue on Structure A ve S - go 0.2 mi </p> <p> Turn right at SW Persebtation Way - go 0.0 mi </p> <p> <a href = "../index.html" title = "回到主页面">回到主页面</a> </p> </body> </html>
//本系列教程基于《Head First HTML与CSS(第二版)》,此书国内各大购物网站皆可购买
转载请注明出处 by:M_ZPHr
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