Bubble sort,It's a relatively basic algorithm.The core implementation ideas are as follows:

1.Define an array,The length is N.

2.Compares each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

 such as:

   if (a[j - 1] > a[j]) {//The number in front is larger than that in the back.                 //swap a[j-1]和a[j]    int temp;       //Initial value of definition temp.    temp = a[j - 1];    a[j - 1] = a[j];    a[j] = temp;

3.N=N-1,If N is not 0, repeat the previous two steps, otherwise the sorting is completed.


utility class:

public class BubbleSort {  public static void mian(String args[])      {       //ToDo      }
    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>void bubbleSort (T[]arr){        int n = arr.length;        int boundary;//Trailing edge traversal of records.        do {            boundary = 0;            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)                if (arr[i - 1].compareTo(arr[i]) > 0) {                    swap(Arrays.asList(arr), i - 1, i);                    boundary = i;//The boundary value is reset after each comparison, and if this line is not executed during the comparison, the sorting is done.                }            n = boundary;        } while (boundary > 0);    }}

implementation class:

class Numbers implements Comparable<Numbers>{    private int number;    public int getNumber(){        return number;    }    public void setNumber(){        this.number=number;    }    public Numbers(int number){        super();        this.number=number;    }    @Override  public String toString(){        return "[number="+number+"]";    }    @Override    public int compareTo(Numbers o) {        if(number==o.number)            return 0;        else if(number>o.number)            return 1;        else            return -1;





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