It’s usually good practice to have automated unit tests while developing your code. Doing so helps you find bugs early in the development cycle and saves you time in the long run. These tests can be run by the developer multiple times to verify the behavior of a particular unit of code for different sets of input.
Unit tests essentially check the behavior of a particular unit of the code or the function and are written by the developers who are implementing the functionalities.
We test the behavior of a function before it becomes part of the whole system and goes into production by writing a piece of code to test this behavior under different conditions. Usually, a function gets tested in isolation with the other functions of the system under test (SUT).
In .NET, there are two options to write Unit Tests:
1. Using MS Test
2. Using NUnit
3. Using XUnit

In the article "Getting started with .NET unit testing using NUnit", you can learn to start Unit testing of C# classes using NUnit. This article will walk through:

  • Creating the system under test
  • Setting up NUnit
  • Creating the Test project
  • Creating Test classes and methods
  • Different options for running the tests
  • Understanding TestFixtures and TestTearDown
  • Working with Ignore test

C# Note36: .NET unit testing framework的更多相关文章

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  2. C/C++ unit testing tools (39 found)---reference API Sanity AutoTest Description: An automatic generator ...

  3. MVC Unit Testing学习笔记

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  4. Java Unit Testing - JUnit & TestNG

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  5. [Java Basics3] XML, Unit testing

    What's the difference between DOM and SAX? DOM creates tree-like representation of the XML document ...

  6. Unit Testing a zend-mvc application

    Unit Testing a zend-mvc application A solid unit test suite is essential for ongoing development in ...

  7. Unit Testing PowerShell Code with Pester

    Summary: Guest blogger, Dave Wyatt, discusses using Pester to analyze small pieces of Windows PowerS ...

  8. Pester: Unit Testing for PowerShell

    Pester is a BDD inspired testing framework for PowerShell just like Jasmine is on the JavaScript sid ...

  9. TestApe - Unit testing for embedded software

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