angular.directive('dblScroll', dblScroll)

dblSroll.$inject = [
function dblScroll($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
scope: {
dblScroll: '<'
template: `
<div >
<div class="dblscroll__div--wrapper"
style="height: 20px; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: -20px; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: auto;" >
<div class="dblscroll__div--inner" ng-style="innerStyle">&nbsp;</div>
<div ng-transclude></div>
link: function (scope, el) { function selectParent() {
const dom = document.querySelector('[dbl-scroll-container]');
if (dom) {
return dom;
return el.parent()[0];
} let wLsn, winLsn, tLsn;
let firstTime = null;
const table = el[0];
const target = selectParent(); if (scope.dblScroll) {
const wrapper = document.querySelector('.dblscroll__div--wrapper'); const targetScrollHandler = () => {
wrapper.scrollLeft = target.scrollLeft
const wrapperScrollHandler = () => {
target.scrollLeft = wrapper.scrollLeft
const windowResizeHandler = () => {
$timeout(() => {
}, 66)
}; tLsn = target.addEventListener('scroll', targetScrollHandler);
wLsn = wrapper.addEventListener('scroll', wrapperScrollHandler);
winLsn = window.addEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler); const update = () => {
const scrollWidth = table.scrollWidth;
const clientWidth = target.clientWidth;
scope.innerStyle = {width: scrollWidth + 'px'};
scope.outterStyle = {width: clientWidth + 'px'};
}; scope.$watch(() => {
if (!firstTime) {
firstTime = target.scrollWidth + target.clientWidth;
return target.scrollWidth + target.clientWidth - firstTime;
}, () => {
$timeout(() => {
}, 66)
}); scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
if (tLsn) {
tLsn.removeEventListener('scroll', targetScrollHandler);
if (wLsn) {
wLsn.removeEventListener('scroll', wrapperScrollHandler);
if(winLsn) {
winLsn.removeEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler);
} export default dblScroll;

Using it:

  <div style="position: relative;" >
<div style="width: 300px; height: auto; overflow-x: auto;" >
<div style="width: 600px; height: 300px;" dbl-scroll=true>div</div>

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