
template <typename E>

class LinkedList
  // inner class: linked-list node
  class Node
    E data;
    Node * next;
  Node * first;
  LinkedList() {
    first = 0;
  ~LinkedList() {
    while (first != 0) {
  E getFirst() {
    return first->data;
  bool isEmpty() {
    return first == 0;
// 实现下列4个函数:
  LinkedList(const LinkedList & that);
  LinkedList & operator= (const LinkedList & that);
  void removeFirst() ;
  void addFirst(E data);



template <typename E>
void LinkedList<E>::removeFirst()
    Node * node = first;
    first = node->next;
    delete node;
template <typename E>
LinkedList<E>::LinkedList(const LinkedList & that) {
Node* current = ;
Node* node = that.first;
while (node != ) {
if (current == ) current= first = new Node();
else {
current->next = new Node();
current = current->next;
current->data = node->data;
current->next = ;
node = node->next;
} template <typename E>
LinkedList<E>& LinkedList<E>::operator= (const LinkedList & that) {
LinkedList<E> tmp(that);
while (first != ) removeFirst();
Node* current = ;
Node* node = tmp.first;
while (node != ) {
if (current == ) current= first = new Node();
else {
current->next = new Node();
current = current->next;
current->data = node->data;
current->next = ;
node = node->next;
return *this;
} template <typename E>
void LinkedList<E>::removeFirst()
Node * node = first;
first = node->next;
delete node;
} template <typename E>
void LinkedList<E>::addFirst(E data) {
Node* newFirst = new Node();
newFirst->data = data;
newFirst->next = first;
first = newFirst;


template <typename E>
class LinkedList
private: // inner class: linked-list node
class Node
E data;
Node * next;
}; Node * first; public:
LinkedList() {
first = ;
} ~LinkedList() {
while (first != ) {
} E getFirst() {
return first->data;
} bool isEmpty() {
return first == ;
} // TODO:
LinkedList(const LinkedList & that);
LinkedList & operator= (const LinkedList & that);
void removeFirst() ;
void addFirst(E data);
}; /*template <typename E>
LinkedList<E>::LinkedList(const LinkedList<E> & that)
{ } template <typename E>
LinkedList<E> & LinkedList<E>::operator= (const LinkedList<E> & that)
{ } template <typename E>
void LinkedList<E>::removeFirst() {
Node * node = first;
first = node->next;
delete node;
} template <typename E>
void LinkedList<E>::addFirst(E data)
{ } */ //#include "source.cpp" #include <iostream>
using namespace std; LinkedList<double> read() {
LinkedList<double> list;
for (int i = ; i < ; ++ i) {
double value;
cin >> value;
return list;
} void removeAndPrintAll(LinkedList<double> list) {
while (! list.isEmpty()) {
cout << list.getFirst() << endl;
} int main() {
LinkedList<double> list = read();
LinkedList<double> list2;
list2 = list;

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