非传统题初探——AtCoder Practice Contest #B - インタラクティブ練習 (Interactive Sorting)
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB
Score : 300 points
Problem Statement
This is an interactive task.
There are N balls labeled with the first N uppercase letters. The balls have pairwise distinct weights.
You are allowed to ask at most Q queries. In each query, you can compare the weights of two balls (see Input/Output section for details).
Sort the balls in the ascending order of their weights.
- (N,Q)=(26,1000), (26,100), or (5,7).
Partial Score
There are three testsets. Each testset is worth 100 points.
- In testset 1, N=26 and Q=1000.
- In testset 2, N=26 and Q=100.
- In testset 3, N=5 and Q=7.
Input and Output
First, you are given N and Q from Standard Input in the following format:
Then, you start asking queries (at most Q times). Each query must be printed to Standard Output in the following format:
? c1 c2
Here each of c1 and c2 must be one of the first N uppercase letters, and c1 and c2 must be distinct.
Then, you are given the answer to the query from Standard Input in the following format:
Here ans is either <
or >
. When ans is <
, the ball c2 is heavier than the ball c1, and otherwise the ball c1 is heavier than the ball c2.
Finally, you must print the answer to Standard Output in the following format:
! ans
Here ans must be a string of length N, and it must contain each of the first N uppercase letters once. It must represent the weights of the balls in the ascending order.
- After each output, you must flush Standard Output. Otherwise you may get
. - After you print the answer, the program must be terminated immediately. Otherwise, the behavior of the judge is undefined.
- When your output is invalid or incorrect, the behavior of the judge is undefined (it does not necessarily give
子任务编号 | $N$ | $Q$ |
$1$ | $26$ | $1000$ |
$2$ | $26$ | $100$ |
$3$ | $5$ | $7$ |
- 输出一次就要刷新一次标准输出,否则可能会被误判为TLE;
- 输出答案后,程序必须立即退出,否则judger的行为未定义;
- 若输出答案不符合格式或不正确,judger的行为未定义(不一定给出WA)。
using namespace std; char s[29], ans[29];
int cmp['Z'+5]['Z'+5];
int cnt = 0, QQ = 1; bool cmp_user(const char a, const char b) {
char cp;
if(cmp[a][b]==-1) {
printf("? %c %c\n", a, b);
scanf(" %c", &cp);
if(cp=='>') {
cmp[a][b] = true;
cmp[b][a] = false;
return true;
else {
cmp[a][b] = false;
cmp[b][a] = true;
return false;
else return cmp[a][b];
} void ins2(char c) {
if(cmp_user(c, s[1])) {
if(cmp_user(c, s[2])) s[3] = c;
else s[3] = s[2], s[2] = c;
} else {
if(cmp_user(c, s[0])) {
s[3] = s[2];
s[2] = s[1];
s[1] = c;
} else {
s[3] = s[2];
s[2] = s[1];
s[1] = s[0];
s[0] = c;
} void ins(char c) {
int l = 0, r = cnt;
while(l<r) {
int mid = l+r>>1;
if(cmp_user(c, ans[mid])) l = mid+1;
else r = mid;
cnt ++;
if(cmp_user(c, ans[r])) r ++;
for(int i=cnt; i>=r+1; i--) ans[i] = ans[i-1];
ans[r] = c;
} int main() {
int N, Q;
scanf("%d%d", &N, &Q); for(int i=0; i<26; i++) s[i] = (char)(i+'A');
s[N] = '\0'; if(N==26) {
memset(cmp, -1, sizeof(cmp));
cnt = 0;
ans[0] = s[0];
ans[N] = '\0';
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) ins(s[i]); printf("! %s\n", ans);
} else {
memset(cmp, -1, sizeof(cmp));
if(cmp_user(s[0], s[1])) swap(s[0], s[1]);
if(cmp_user(s[2], s[3])) swap(s[2], s[3]);
if(cmp_user(s[1], s[3])) {
swap(s[0], s[2]);
swap(s[1], s[3]);
char x = s[2];
if(cmp_user(s[4], s[1])) {
if(cmp_user(s[4], s[3])) {
s[2] = s[3];
} else {
s[2] = s[4];
s[4] = s[3];
} else {
if(cmp_user(s[4], s[0])) {
s[2] = s[1];
s[1] = s[4];
s[4] = s[3];
} else {
s[2] = s[1];
s[1] = s[0];
s[0] = s[4];
s[4] = s[3];
printf("! %s\n", s);
return 0;
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