【原创】Apache集群报Service Temporarily Unavailable的解决
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Specifies whether requests with SESSION ID's should be routed back to the same Tomcat worker. If sticky_session is set to True or 1 sessions are sticky, otherwise sticky_session is set to False. Set sticky_session to False when Tomcat is using a Session Manager which can persist session data across multiple instances of Tomcat.
The sticky_session setting can be overwritten using the Apache httpd environment variable JK_STICKY_IGNORE and the worker map extension for sticky_ignore. This has been added in version 1.2..
Specifies whether requests with SESSION ID's for workers that are in error state should be rejected. If sticky_session_force is set to True or 1 and the worker that matches that SESSION ID is in error state, client will receive 500 (Server Error). If set to False or 0 failover on another worker will be issued with loosing client session. This directive is used only when you set sticky_session=True.
这个参数的意思是,决定对于处于错误状态的session是否该拒绝服务。如果开启了粘性session,开始请求由节点1服务,后来节点1 宕掉,再次请求时,该请求的session因为节点1宕掉而丢失,这个参数就决定对于这样的请求是否应该拒绝掉。参数为1或者true代表直接拒绝,客户端浏览器就会报上述错误。如果设为0或者false,则apache会将该请求lb至其他存活的节点,但是请求的session信息会丢失。对于一个普通的无状态的网站,session有没有都无所谓,所以将该参数改为0,重启apache即可。
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