codeforces round #420 div2
using namespace std;
const int N = ;
int n;
int a[N][N];
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
for(int j = ; j <= n; ++j)
scanf("%d", &a[i][j]);
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
for(int j = ; j <= n; ++j) if(a[i][j] != )
bool flag = false;
for(int x = ; x <= n; ++x) if(x != i)
for(int y = ; y <= n; ++y) if(y != j)
if(a[i][j] == a[x][j] + a[i][y])
flag = true;
return ;
return ;
using namespace std;
int m, b;
int main()
long long ans = ;
scanf("%d%d", &m, &b);
for(long long y = ; y <= b; ++y)
long long x = m * b - m * y,
tot = (1ll + x) * x / 2ll * (y + 1ll) + (1ll + y) * y / 2ll * (x + 1ll);
ans = max(ans, tot);
printf("%lld\n", ans);
return ;
using namespace std;
const int N = ;
int n, ans, cnt;
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > q;
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
bool flag = true;
for(int i = ; i <= * n; ++i)
char opt[]; scanf("%s", opt);
if(opt[] == 'a')
int pos; scanf("%d", &pos);
if(!q.empty() && pos >
cnt = ; //如果不行了 ,那么肯定需要排序,之前不算
else if(cnt)
++cnt; //如果之前不行,现在行,计算可以不用调整的次数
if(opt[] == 'r')
--cnt; //累计在不行之前能减的次数
if(cnt == ) ++ans;
printf("%d\n", ans);
return ;
using namespace std;
int n, ans, now = ;
stack<int> st;
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ; i <= * n; ++i)
char opt[]; scanf("%s", opt);
if(opt[] == 'a')
int pos; scanf("%d", &pos);
if(opt[] == 'r')
if(now == st.pop();
while(!st.empty()) st.pop();
printf("%d\n", ans);
return ;
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> PII;
const int N = ;
struct data {
int x, y;
} a[N];
int n, m, k;
priority_queue<PII, vector<PII>, greater<PII> >q;
int d[N], used[N], Q[N];
bool flag = true;
bool cp(data x, data y)
return x.x == y.x ? x.y < y.y : x.x < y.x;
void dijiestra()
memset(used, , sizeof(used));
for(int i = ; i <= k; ++i) d[i] = << ;
q.push(PII(, ));
PII x =; q.pop();
int u = x.second;
if(used[u]) continue;
used[u] = ;
for(int i = ; i <= k; ++i) if(i != u)
if(abs(a[i].x - a[u].x) <= || abs(a[i].y - a[u].y) <= )
int w = ;
if((abs(a[i].x - a[u].x) == || abs(a[i].y - a[u].y) == ) && (a[i].x - a[u].x == || a[i].y - a[u].y == ))
w = ;
if(a[i].x == n && a[i].y == m && !flag)
w = ;
if((abs(a[i].x - a[u].x) == || abs(a[i].y - a[u].y) == ) && (abs(a[i].x - a[u].x) >= && abs(a[i].y - a[u].y) >= ))
w = << ;
if(d[i] > d[u] + w)
d[i] = d[u] + w;
q.push(PII(d[i], i));
int main()
scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &k);
for(int i = ; i <= k; ++i)
scanf("%d%d", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
sort(a + , a + k + , cp);
if(a[k].x != n || a[k].y != m)
flag = false;
a[++k].x = n;
a[k].y = m;
printf("%d\n", d[k] >= << ? - : d[k]);
return ;
dp:dp[i][x]=dp[i-1][x-1]+dp[i-1][x]+dp[i-1][x+1] 边界不讨论了。
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = ;
const ll mod = ;
struct mat {
ll a[][];
} l;
struct data {
ll a, b;
int c;
} a[N];
int n;
ll k;
mat operator * (mat A, mat B)
mat ret; memset(ret.a, , sizeof(ret.a));
for(int i = ; i <= ; ++i)
for(int j = ; j <= ; ++j)
for(int k = ; k <= ; ++k)
ret.a[i][j] = (ret.a[i][j] + A.a[i][k] * B.a[k][j] % mod) % mod;
return ret;
mat power(mat x, ll t)
mat ret; memset(ret.a, , sizeof(ret.a));
for(int i = ; i <= ; ++i)
ret.a[i][i] = ;
for(; t; t >>= , x = x * x) if(t & ) ret = x * ret;
return ret;
int main()
cin >> n >> k;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
scanf("%lld%lld%d", &a[i].a, &a[i].b, &a[i].c);
a[n].b= k;
l.a[][] = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
mat x; memset(x.a, , sizeof(x.a));
for(int j = ; j <= a[i].c; ++j)
if(j > )
x.a[j][j - ] = ;
x.a[j][j] = ;
if(j < a[i].c)
x.a[j][j + ] = ;
l = power(x, a[i].b - a[i].a) * l;
printf("%lld\n", l.a[][]);
return ;
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