foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p in users.GetType().GetProperties())
var xx = p.Name;
var yy = p.GetValue(users);
Type type = typeof(pof); //这里是类名
Pof pf = new Pof();
          System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty("B");  var ss =pi.GetValue(pf,null);

foreach (PropertyInfo p in pf.GetType().GetProperties())
var xx = p.Name;
var yy = p.GetValue(pf,null);
         string[] Noviod = {"","",""};
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p in model.GetType().GetProperties())
for (int i=;i<Noviod.Length;i++)
if (p.Name == Noviod[i])
if (p.GetValue(model).ToString()=="")
return Content("数据错误!");
            List<model> list = new List<model>();
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
model md = new model();
md.A = "AAA" + i;
md.B = "BBB" + i;
} //每一行的数据 是AAA,BBB ; A和B表示列名 //foreach (PropertyInfo p in list[0].GetType().GetProperties())
// var xx = p.Name; //属性名,
// var yy = p.GetValue(p, null); //属性值
//} model mode = new model();
var models = mode.GetType().GetProperties(); for (int i = ; i < models.Length; i++)
var name = models[i].Name;
if (name == "A")
var value = models[i].GetValue(mode);
} for (int i = ; i < list.Count; i++)
var modeps = list[i].GetType().GetProperties(); //获得该对象所有属性名
for (int ii = ; ii < modeps.Length; ii++)
var name = modeps[ii].Name; //获得属性名
if (name == "A")
var value = modeps[ii].GetValue(list[i]); //获得属性值
} } MessageBox.Show("完成!");
            A a = new A();
a.A_01 = "";
a.A_02 = "";
a.A_03 = "";
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p in a.GetType().GetProperties())
if (p.Name == "A_03") //遍历属性
p.SetValue(a, null, null);

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