Can’t delete list item in Sharepoint2013
Today,I have meet a very strange error.When I attempt to delete a item from a list,I recieve an error;The Page is dead,it does’t redirect to the list page.The browers address is something like that:
_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=65001&Cmd=Delete&List={FDC78FCD-9C55-4681-8829-7BB789825D39}&ID=2&NextUsing=http%3A%2F%2F172%2E16%2E8%2E8%2 |
I search on the Internet,and I found the website,It explains the meaning of the command.
Cmd=Delete; It means deletes an item in a list.
- ID — the item's ID as listed in the database table.
- List — the name of the database table that contains the item.
- NextUsing — the page to open once the command has been executed.
I want to delete a item.It seems that the address is right.But I still don’t know why it does’t redirect to the new page.I continute search on the internet.Then I have found another two articles in the Microsoft TechCenter.There is another one who have encountered this problem before.In the last ,he found the answer.He said:
I found the cause of the problem. We had made some changes to IIS handler mappings to enable the downloading of EXE files. Removing the change has fixed these errors. |
It makes me exciting,because we also have made some changes to IIS handler mappings to enable the downloading of EXE files.So I open the IIS,and restore the settings(Please read another article of mine:How to enable download EXE files from the Sharepoint website).Then the problem has solved.But I still don’t know why this change have influence on deleting a item.
This cause me another problem.Because I want to download exe files form the website.If I restore the settings,then I can’t download exe files.Anyone who can help me?
owssvr.dll fails to redirect to "NextUsing" page
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