Today,I have meet a very strange error.When I attempt to delete a item from a list,I recieve an error;The Page is dead,it does’t redirect to the list page.The browers address is something like that:


     I search on the Internet,and I found the website,It explains the meaning of the command.

Cmd=Delete; It means deletes an item in a list.

  • ID — the item's ID as listed in the database table.
  • List — the name of the database table that contains the item.
  • NextUsing — the page to open once the command has been executed.

      I want to delete a item.It seems that the address is right.But I still don’t know why it does’t redirect to the new page.I continute search on the internet.Then I have found another two articles in the Microsoft TechCenter.There is another one who have encountered this problem before.In the last ,he found the answer.He said:

I found the cause of the problem. We had made some changes to IIS handler mappings to enable the downloading of EXE files.  Removing the change has fixed these errors.

      It makes me exciting,because we also have made some changes to IIS handler mappings to enable the downloading of EXE files.So I open the IIS,and restore the settings(Please read another article of mine:How to enable download EXE files from the Sharepoint website).Then the problem has solved.But I still don’t know why this change have influence on deleting a item.

      This cause me another problem.Because I want to download exe files form the website.If I restore the settings,then I can’t download exe files.Anyone who can help me?


owssvr.dll fails to redirect to "NextUsing" page

Cannot complete this action

Using the URL Protocol

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