What's the difference between 'Even if' and 'Even though'?
为一个英语词组语法写一篇Blog: even if 与 even though
这两个词组大致意思相当,但强调的侧重有所不同。 even if与even though的区别:
even if一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情,
even though引出的是事实。
如:Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud.
Even though he was late, he was not criticized by the teacher.
虽然他晚了, 可他并没有受到老师的批评。 Even though he knows it, he'll not let out the secret.(他知道这个秘密).
Even if he knows it, he'll not let out the secret.(不确定他是否知道这个秘密). though 常表示一些已经确定的消息,
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