

    用法:  service  [服务]  [操作]


    功能:  service命令用于启动、停止、重新启动和关闭系统服务,还可以显示所有系统服务的当前状态。


1) status       

2) start

3) stop

4) reload

5) disable

6) force-reload



1)[sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service mysql           查看service命令的简介       

  1. [sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service mysql
  2. The service command supports only basic LSB actions (start, stop, restart, try-restart, reload, force-reload, status). For other actions, please try to use systemctl.

2)[sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service xinetd status             查看指定服务的状态信息

  1. [sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service xinetd status
  2. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status xinetd.service
  3. xinetd.service - Xinetd A Powerful Replacement For Inetd
  4. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xinetd.service; enabled)
  5. Active: active (running) since -- :: PDT; 22min ago
  6. Process: ExecStart=/usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/ $EXTRAOPTIONS (code=exited, status=/SUCCESS)
  7. Main PID: (xinetd)
  8. CGroup: /system.slice/xinetd.service
  9. └─ /usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/


  1. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# service network status
  2. Configured devices:
  3. lo eno16777736 配置_1
  4. Currently active devices:
  5. lo eno16777736

3)[sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service xinetd stop        停止xinetd服务

  1. [sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ service xinetd stop
  2. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop xinetd.service
  3. Failed to issue method call: Access denied //没有root权限,所以拒绝访问
  4. [sunjimeng@localhost ~]$ su root
  5. 密码: //登入root
  6. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd stop
  7. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop xinetd.service
  8. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd status
  9. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status xinetd.service
  10. xinetd.service - Xinetd A Powerful Replacement For Inetd
  11. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/xinetd.service; enabled)
  12. Active: inactive (dead) since -- :: PDT; 15s ago
  13. Process: ExecStart=/usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/ $EXTRAOPTIONS (code=exited, status=/SUCCESS)
  14. Main PID: (code=exited, status=/SUCCESS)
  16. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: removing echo
  17. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: removing tcpmux
  18. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: removing time
  19. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: removing time
  20. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: xinetd Version 2.3. st...
  21. 6 :: localhost.localdomain xinetd[]: Started working: avail...
  22. 6 :: localhost.localdomain systemd[]: Started Xinetd A Powerful ...
  23. 6 :: localhost.localdomain systemd[]: Started Xinetd A Powerful ...
  24. 6 :: localhost.localdomain systemd[]: Stopping Xinetd A Powerful...
  25. 6 :: localhost.localdomain systemd[]: Stopped Xinetd A Powerful ...
  26. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

4)[root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd restart      重启守护进程

  1. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd restart
  2. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart xinetd.service

5)[root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd reload      重新加载守护进程xinetd的配置文件

  1. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# service xinetd reload
  2. Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload xinetd.service






  1. [root@localhost sunjimeng]# ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
  2. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions


  xinetd本身是一个service,他的作用是监听所有的端口,根据配置对不同的端口启动不同的应用。 对于有些需要在后台运行的程序,可以选择设置为service在后台一直运行,也可以选择使用xinetd来配置此程序根据需要激活。



service的管理工具是:        /sbin/service

    service的自动启动控制工具是:   /sbin/chkconfig


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