Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.


There are kinds of flavors in life, only we have experienced them, we will know the taste of the world, we will know what to be cherished and what to be avoided.

Without failure, we never know how joyful success will be.

Without failure, we never know how hard success will be.

In the past month, I have applied for some jobs, I hadn't get a reply from any of them, maybe I am not qualified, maybe the salary I asked is too higher.

Delightfully, some companies I didn't apply for asked me to have an interview and finally I got several offer.

Honestly speaking, my performance was not good enought, some famous companies even thought I was totally unqualified.

It is just these failures let me see where my pitfalls lie in.

Thanks all the same. I will continue to improve my skills.

May I get the recoginiton in all the interviews.

Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.


From Samuel Johnson.

Self-confidence, self-discipline, self-examination, self-consciousness, that are four vital traits that can help us accomplish great undertakings.

For most of us, self-confidence may be the first and foremost character when we strive for somethings important.

Because there may be much more obstacles along our way, withour self-confidence, it may be difficult to get enough stimulation to get through those obstacles.

Sometimes, it may become a smooth way just after we overcome a seemingly unsurmountable obstacle, many people didn't make their dreams true just because they had given up just after a failing trying.

But how to build up self-confidence? It is not an easy job, for that most of the confidence come from the recognition of others, self-stimulation without other's approvals just has temporary effects, it can't provide a long-term stimulus and may have negative effects once the outcome is not satisfying.

It is hard to insist on making efforts to realize our dreams if we can't get paid or recognitions.

And some of us may betray ourselves just by the need to seek approvals from others.

So, divide the whole goal into small ones, step by step, once we realize all those small goals, we realize the big dream.

It will happen and it's gonna to happen.

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