When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.


When I heard of the message, I thought I'd better to quit the game, otherwise I may lose more, time, money, energy.

Why did I choose to start this career?

Maybe I have to do more to prove that the judgements on me are wrong, I also can do what others have done.

First, sit down on the chair and start to do something attentively.

If I don't concentrate on my work, then the quality and quantity of my ahievements would be heavily discounted.

That is the last thing we want to see.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


That is to say, the real generosity to the future is doing your best today, because the future road you will walk on is paved by bricks you have produced today, whether the road is smooth or rough all depends on what you have done today.

So, review what you have done today, will your future self thank you for them, or hate you for them?

Maybe most of us will not have a clear answer about it.

Then we will raise another question: why we can't answer the question, is that because we are lack of a clear plan about our life?

Maybe. Sometimes our efforts are just in vain, and the very reason for it may be the lack of clear plan.

Some people tell me I should stop useless efforts, but if I can't make clear what is useful and waht is useless, the oonly way I can do is to continue those seemingly useless efforts.

Except for them, what else can I do?

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