Very differently to AngularJS (v1.x), Angular now has a hierarchical dependency injector. That allows to specify service definitions as well as the service lifetime at various levels in our application. Whenever a service is requested, Angular will walk up the component tree and search for a matching definition. While in most cases that's perfectly fine, often you may want to take control over the dependency lookup. In this lesson we will learn how, by applying"@Host, @Self()@SkipSelf() and @Optional().


When using @Optional, it set logger to null if the LoggerService is not provided instead of error out.

export class PersonComponent implements OnInit {
public logger: LoggerService
) {} ngOnInit() {} doLog() {
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.log('Message from PersonComponent');
} else {
console.log('sorry, no logger available');


If child component and parent component both using the same provider and we want to skip using child component's provider instead using parent's provider.

// Child
selector: 'app-person',
template: `
<div style="border:1px;">
<p *ngIf="logger === null">I don't have a logger</p>
<button (click)="doLog()">write log</button>
providers: [
provide: LoggerService,
useFactory: loggerFactory('PersonComponent')
export class PersonComponent implements OnInit {
public logger: LoggerService
) {} ngOnInit() {} doLog() {
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.log('Message from PersonComponent');
} else {
console.log('sorry, no logger available');
// parent

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<h1>Angular Services</h1>
providers: [
provide: LoggerService,
useFactory: loggerFactory('AppComponent')
export class AppComponent {}

SO in the end 'AppComponent ...' log message will appear in the console.


Only using the provider for its own component.

selector: 'app-person',
template: `
<div style="border:1px;">
<p *ngIf="logger === null">I don't have a logger</p>
<button (click)="doLog()">write log</button>
// providers: [
// {
// provide: LoggerService,
// useFactory: loggerFactory('PersonComponent')
// }
// ]
export class PersonComponent implements OnInit {

public logger: LoggerService
) {} ngOnInit() {} doLog() {
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.log('Message from PersonComponent');
} else {
console.log('sorry, no logger available');

So if PersonComponent has provider defined, it will use its own provider and will not continue searching parent component.

Often @Self can use togerther with @Optional, so if the provider is not defined, then set it to null.


When we have directive, we might need to use @Host.

selector: 'my-comp',
providers: [
MyService // Must have, other directive cannot find it, throw error.
<my-comp highlighted />
selector: 'highlighted'
export class Hightlighted {
// Use the provide inject directly into the host component
constructor (@Host private myService: MyService) {}

Because we cannot ensure that host element must have the Injection, if not, Angular will throw error, to prevent that, @Host normally work with @Optional together.

selector: 'highlighted'
export class Hightlighted {
// Use the provide inject directly into the host component
constructor (@Optional @Host private myService: MyService) {}


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