UnlikeWinXP, VISTA, Windows2000, Windows Nt and Win98,Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 select ‘/’  as the default seperator character between short date. Although the former windows OS chooses ‘-‘as the default setting.

Iam very sorry to inform you, my dear friends, that this will result in an error while running DBQuery Analyzer, including English version ‘DB QueryAnalyzer’ and Simplified Chinese version .

I ensure you that I will solve this BUG in DBQuery Analyzer 6.03.  In order to use DB Query Analyzer properly, here I will illustrate how to set ‘-‘ as the default setting of short date in Windows 7.

Hereis how:

Left click theblank area in the right down corner of time and date. Then left click alter setting of the date and time, followed by left clicking alter setting of calendar. Finally, select the item ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ as the default short date setting.

Figure 1   Left click the blank area in the right down corner of time and date

Figure 2   Left click alter setting of the date and time

Figure 3   Left clicking altersetting of calendar

Figure 4   Select the item ‘yyyy-mm-dd’as the default short date setting

Notice to users of DB Query Analyzer in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10的更多相关文章

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