You cannot change the circumstances but you can change yourself.


From Jim Rohn.

Recently I am getting more and more dissatisfied with the allocation of resources in my department.

It seems there are huge differences about the goals of the next year.

I hope the department can be integrated into one, and we can combine our efforts to realize our dream, whatever it is, but I think it would be hard.

Don't wait for circumstances to change, change myself and the circumstances will follow the trend.

Focus on what we can change within ourself, use everything in the circumstance to help us, years later we will be waking up somewhere much better.

An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.


We all have dreams and aspirations in our life.

It is always a good thing to have an ambition whatever we do in our life, like reading a book, coding a function, learning a new skill, etc.

But it would be much more important to make the ambition or aim definite and accurate, otherwise we are just like those travelers going ahead without any destination.

If living in an aimless life, what we can achieve may be just a matter of change, or determined by the circumstances which we are placed in.

So, if we want to succeed in life, be sure to have an accurate aim, the aim, if reached or not, makes our life great.

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