problem describe:

  given a string , first find the first word which is not white space;then there will be an optional '+' or '-', but the given the test set the given string will contain more than one symbol or didn't contain any number, if that you should return 0;third,you should find as many  number as possible,and change the string num into int.if the num more than 2^31-1 or smaller than -2^31, you should return 2^31- 1 or  -2^31.


input '+-2'

output '0'

my python solution:

class Solution(object):
def convert(self, s, numRows):
:type s: str
:type numRows: int
:rtype: str
slength = len(s)
full, leave = divmod(slength, (numRows+numRows/2))
left, right = divmod(leave, numRows)
returnlist = []
times = full
k = 0
if left == 0:
left = right
right =0
for i in range(numRows):
if i%2 != 0:
for colnum in range(times):
returnlist[k] = s[i+(3*numRows/2)*times]
k += 1
if left != 0:
if i+(3*numRows/2)*(times+1)<= slength:
returnlist[k] = s[i+(3*numRows/2)*(times+1)]
k += 1
for colnum in range(times):
returnlist[k] = s[i+(3*numRows/2)*times]
k = k+1
returnlist[k] = s[numRows+i/2+ (3*numRows/2)*times]
k += 1
if left !=0 and i+(3*numRows/2)*(times+1)<slength:
returnlist[k] = s[i+(3*numRows/2)*(times+1)]
k += 1
if right != 0 and numRows+i/2+ (3*numRows/2)*(times+1)<slength:
returnlist[k] = s[numRows+i/2+ (3*numRows/2)*(times+1)]
k += 1
need = ''
for each in returnlist:
need += each
return need

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