package concurrency
import (
v3 ""
const defaultSessionTTL = 60
// Session represents a lease kept alive for the lifetime of a client.
// Fault-tolerant applications may use sessions to reason about liveness.
type Session struct {
client *v3.Client
opts *sessionOptions
id v3.LeaseID
cancel context.CancelFunc
donec <-chan struct{}
// NewSession gets the leased session for a client.
func NewSession(client *v3.Client, opts ...SessionOption) (*Session, error) {
ops := &sessionOptions{ttl: defaultSessionTTL, ctx: client.Ctx()}
for _, opt := range opts {
resp, err := client.Grant(ops.ctx, int64(ops.ttl))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
id := v3.LeaseID(resp.ID)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ops.ctx)
keepAlive, err := client.KeepAlive(ctx, id)
if err != nil || keepAlive == nil {
return nil, err
donec := make(chan struct{})
s := &Session{client: client, opts: ops, id: id, cancel: cancel, donec: donec}
// keep the lease alive until client error or cancelled context
go func() {
defer close(donec)
for range keepAlive {
// eat messages until keep alive channel closes
return s, nil
// Client is the etcd client that is attached to the session.
func (s *Session) Client() *v3.Client {
return s.client
// Lease is the lease ID for keys bound to the session.
func (s *Session) Lease() v3.LeaseID { return }
// Done returns a channel that closes when the lease is orphaned, expires, or
// is otherwise no longer being refreshed.
func (s *Session) Done() <-chan struct{} { return s.donec }
// Orphan ends the refresh for the session lease. This is useful
// in case the state of the client connection is indeterminate (revoke
// would fail) or when transferring lease ownership.
func (s *Session) Orphan() {
// Close orphans the session and revokes the session lease.
func (s *Session) Close() error {
// if revoke takes longer than the ttl, lease is expired anyway
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.opts.ctx, time.Duration(s.opts.ttl)*time.Second)
_, err := s.client.Revoke(ctx,
return err
type sessionOptions struct {
ttl int
ctx context.Context
// SessionOption configures Session.
type SessionOption func(*sessionOptions)
// WithTTL configures the session's TTL in seconds.
// If TTL is <= 0, the default 60 seconds TTL will be used.
func WithTTL(ttl int) SessionOption {
return func(so *sessionOptions) {
if ttl > 0 {
so.ttl = ttl
// WithContext assigns a context to the session instead of defaulting to
// using the client context. This is useful for canceling NewSession and
// Close operations immediately without having to close the client. If the
// context is canceled before Close() completes, the session's lease will be
// abandoned and left to expire instead of being revoked.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) SessionOption {
return func(so *sessionOptions) {
so.ctx = ctx
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