


ps | Out-File C:\Users\Nan\Desktop\test.txt


If you type

get-help get-process -full

You will get an explanation of these terms. Here it is:

The default display of a process is a table that includes the following columns:

-- Handles: The number of handles that the process has opened.

-- NPM(K): The amount of non-paged memory that the process is using, in kilobytes.

-- PM(K): The amount of pageable memory that the process is using, in kilobytes.

-- WS(K): The size of the working set of the process, in kilobytes. The working set consists of the pages of me mory that were recently referenced by the process.

-- VM(M): The amount of virtual memory that the process is using, in megabytes. Virtual memory includes storage in the paging files on disk.

-- CPU(s): The amount of processor time that the process has used on all processors, in seconds.

-- ID: The process ID (PID) of the process.

-- ProcessName: The name of the process.

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