X Font Descriptors #

X Font Descriptors are strings having the following format (the asterisks represent fields that are usually not relevant. For details, see the Tk documentation, or an X manual):


The font family is typically something like TimesHelveticaCourier orSymbol.

The weight is either Bold or Normal. Slant is either R for “roman” (normal), Ifor italic, or O for oblique (in practice, this is just another word for italic).

Size is the height of the font in decipoints (that is, points multiplied by 10). There are usually 72 points per inch, but some low-resolution displays may use larger “logical” points to make sure that small fonts are still legible. Thecharacter set, finally, is usually ISO8859-1 (ISO Latin 1), but may have other values for some fonts.

The following descriptor requests a 12-point boldface Times font, using the ISO Latin 1 character set:  #这个就是编码格式


If you don’t care about the character set, or use a font like Symbol which has a special character set, you can use a single asterisk as the last component:


A typical X server supports at least TimesHelveticaCourier, and a few more fonts, in sizes like 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 points, and in normal, bold, and italic (Times) or oblique (HelveticaCourier) variants. Most servers also support freely scaleable fonts. You can use programs like xlsfonts andxfontsel to check which fonts you have access to on a given server.

This kind of font descriptors can also be used on Windows and Macintosh. Note that if you use Tk 4.2, you should keep in mind that the font family must be one supported by Windows (see above).

一般用法这样 -*-文泉驿等宽微米黑-*-*-*--*-420-*

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