Some researchers take issue with this however - a shark's vision is too good and its sense of smell

too sophisticated to confuse us with a seal Tour products, argue RA Martin, Neil Hammerschlag, and Ralph Collier

from the ReefQuest Center for Shark Research. These are supreme ocean predators and are highly

unlikely to make clumsy and possibly costly mistakes.

Sharks also have senses not available to most other animals. Pressure-sensitive pores scattered over

their head and down the body mean they detect the slightest changes in pressure serviced apartments hk, enabling them to

discern the smallest of movements even when other senses are restricted - such as their sight in

murky water.

Sharks also possess sophisticated electroreceptors which help them hone in on the tiny electrical

fields present around all living things, even creatures buried in sand.

Such highly-tuned animals are not likely to misidentify something as large as a human being. Far more

likely, they conclude soho serviced apartment, is that sharks such as great whites see humans as fellow predators that could

compete with them for food.

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