public class MyArrayList
private const int _defaultCapacity = ;
private object[] _items;
private int _size;
private static readonly object[] emptyArray = new object[]; public MyArrayList()
this._items = emptyArray;
} public MyArrayList( int capacity)
if (capacity<)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("capacity","ArrayList的容量不可为负数!");
this._items = new object[capacity];
} //索引器
public virtual object this[int index]
if (index<||index>=this._size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index","索引超出范围!");
return this._items[index];
} set
if (index < || index >= this._size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "索引超出范围!");
this._items[index] = value;
} } //当前数组元素个数
public virtual int Count
get {return this._size ;}
} //数组的容量
public virtual int Capacity
get { return this._items.Length; }
if (value!=this._items.Length)
if (value<this._size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value","容量太小");
if (value > )
object[] dest = new object[value];
if (this._size > )
Array.Copy(this._items, , dest, , this._size);
this._items = dest;
this._items=new object[_defaultCapacity];
} //元素的添加
public virtual int Add(object value)
if (this._size==this._items.Length)
this._items[this._size] = value;
return this._size++;
} //扩容
private void EnsureCapacity(int p)
if (this._items.Length<p)
int num = (this._items.Length == ) ? _defaultCapacity : (this._items.Length * );
if (num < p)
num = p;
this.Capacity = num;
} //指定位置插入元素
public virtual void Insert( int index,object value)
if (index<||index>this._size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index","索引超出范围!");
if (this._size==this._items.Length)
this.EnsureCapacity(this._size + );
if (index<this._size)
Array.Copy(this._items, index, this._items, index + , this._size - index);
this._items[index] = value;
} //移除指定索引的元素
public virtual void Remove(int index)
if (index < || index > this._size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "索引超出范围!");
if (index<this._size)
} //裁剪空间
public virtual void TrimToSize()
this.Capacity = this._size;

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