Lucky 2048 - The secret of being lucky
Lucky 2048 uses a normal distribution to create "lucky" start. Generally speaking, it provides lucky chances "most likely to be medium result, and very small probability to get very good results".
Toll edition: μ = 7.0, σ = 1.0, probability = 0.0014 mathmatical expectation = 714. You can expect one 1024 from the very beginning with 714 attempts.
Free edition: μ = 6.0, σ = 1.0, probability = 0.000036 mathmatical expectation = 27777. You can expect one 1024 from the very beginning with 27777 attempts.
Actually I set μ to 8.0 in testing - then I realized that it may be toooo lucky and make it less surprising. When μ = 8.0, you can get 1024 from the very beginning within 40 attempts.
Finally this is the secret - Buy the toll edition and try more and more and more ...
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