curl_easy_perform(3)           libcurl 手册                  curl_easy_perform(3)

curl_easy_perform - 执行一个阻塞文件传输
#include <curl/curl.h>
CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL *easy_handle);curl_easy_perform




curle_ok(0)意味着一切都是好的,非零均值发生错误 <curl/curl.h> 定义见libcURL错误(3)。如果我‐lopt_errorbuffer(3)是集curl_easy_setopt(3)会有一个可读的错误的错误消息时,非零返回缓冲区。

CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
CURLcode res;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

curl_easy_init(3), curl_easy_setopt(3), curl_multi_add_handle(3), curl_multi_perform(3), libcurl-errors(3),

libcurl 7.7      5 Mar 2001      curl_easy_perform(3)


 curl_easy_perform()                                           libcurl Manual                                           curl_easy_perform()

curl_easy_perform - perform a blocking file transfer SYNOPSIS
#include <curl/curl.h> CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL *easy_handle); DESCRIPTION
Invoke this function after curl_easy_init() and all the curl_easy_setopt() calls are made, and will perform the transfer as
described in the options. It must be called with the same easy_handle as input as the curl_easy_init() call returned. curl_easy_perform() performs the entire request in a blocking manner and returns when done, or if it failed. For non-blocking behav‐
ior, see curl_multi_perform(). You can do any amount of calls to curl_easy_perform() while using the same easy_handle. If you intend to transfer more than one
file, you are even encouraged to do so. libcurl will then attempt to re-use the same connection for the following transfers, thus
making the operations faster, less CPU intense and using less network resources. Just note that you will have to use
curl_easy_setopt() between the invokes to set options for the following curl_easy_perform. You must never call this function simultaneously from two places using the same easy_handle. Let the function return first before
invoking it another time. If you want parallel transfers, you must use several curl easy_handles. While the easy_handle is added to a multi handle, it cannot be used by curl_easy_perform(). RETURN VALUE
CURLE_OK () means everything was ok, non-zero means an error occurred as <curl/curl.h> defines - see libcurl-errors(). If the CUR‐
LOPT_ERRORBUFFER() was set with curl_easy_setopt() there will be a readable error message in the error buffer when non-zero is
returned. EXAMPLE
CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
CURLcode res;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
curl_easy_init(), curl_easy_setopt(), curl_multi_add_handle(), curl_multi_perform(), libcurl-errors(), libcurl 7.7 Mar curl_easy_perform()

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