Software Testing hw1
I still remember the error which I made in my java project last year. I spent a whole night solving it and finally I found it and corrected it.
My java project consisted of several parts, every part just had some simple functions so it was maybe a easy thing to find the bug and
do something about it you may think. However, you are wrong. I could not find where the error is. I had to pay attention to every part to find
if there was something connecting with the error. That was a very difficult job because every part was totally different. After I checked all the
code in every parts very carefully and could not find the fault, I was upset. As I was going to give up and find something else to do, my roommates
reminded me of that I could try to write the connecting code of every parts again because it was hard to find the wrong things in the code which
was already done before. So I coded those parts again and finally found the error.
I think it was a typical problem of my code that I would never forget it. Now, I can say that I can solve this problem easily because I will
analyze the problem at first then think about the resolution rather than check the code again and again.
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