
  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<cstdio>
  3. #include<cstring>
  4. #include<algorithm>
  5. #include<cmath>
  6. #include<queue>
  7. #define dbg(x) cerr << #x << " = " << x <<endl
  8. using namespace std;
  9. typedef long long ll;
  10. typedef double db;
  11. typedef pair<int,int> pii;
  12. template<typename T>inline T _min(T A,T B){return A<B?A:B;}
  13. template<typename T>inline T _max(T A,T B){return A>B?A:B;}
  14. template<typename T>inline char MIN(T&A,T B){return A>B?(A=B,):;}
  15. template<typename T>inline char MAX(T&A,T B){return A<B?(A=B,):;}
  16. template<typename T>inline void _swap(T&A,T&B){A^=B^=A^=B;}
  17. template<typename T>inline T read(T&x){
  18. x=;int f=;char c;while(!isdigit(c=getchar()))if(c=='-')f=;
  19. while(isdigit(c))x=x*+(c&),c=getchar();return f?x=-x:x;
  20. }
  21. const int N=+;
  22. struct thxorz{
  23. int u,v,w;
  24. thxorz(int u=,int v=,int w=):u(u),v(v),w(w){}
  25. inline bool operator <(const thxorz&A)const{return w<A.w;}
  26. }e[N<<];
  27. int n,tot;
  28. struct stothx{int x,y,id;}A[N];
  29. inline bool cmp1(stothx a,stothx b){return a.x<b.x;}
  30. inline bool cmp2(stothx a,stothx b){return a.y<b.y;}
  31. int anc[N];
  32. ll ans;
  33. inline int get_anc(int x){return anc[x]==x?x:anc[x]=get_anc(anc[x]);}
  35. int main(){//freopen("test.in","r",stdin);//freopen("test.ans","w",stdout);
  36. read(n);
  37. for(register int i=;i<=n;++i)read(A[i].x),read(A[i].y),A[i].id=i;
  38. sort(A+,A+n+,cmp1);
  39. for(register int i=;i<n;++i)e[++tot]=thxorz(A[i].id,A[i+].id,A[i+].x-A[i].x);
  40. sort(A+,A+n+,cmp2);
  41. for(register int i=;i<n;++i)e[++tot]=thxorz(A[i].id,A[i+].id,A[i+].y-A[i].y);
  42. sort(e+,e+tot+);
  43. for(register int i=;i<=n;++i)anc[i]=i;
  44. for(register int i=;i<=tot;++i)if(get_anc(e[i].u)^get_anc(e[i].v))ans+=e[i].w,anc[anc[e[i].u]]=anc[e[i].v];
  45. printf("%lld\n",ans);
  46. return ;
  47. }

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